The Tallgrass Drifters Saturday Night House Party Episode 1
The Tall Grass Drifters Saturday Night House Party Episode 1
Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls and People everywhere..
Thank you so much for your interest in the Tallgrass Drifters. We have decided to team up with the Tulsa Live Stream to bring you once a month on the first Saturday of the month a good old fashioned House party.
The Tall Grass Drifters Saturday Night House Party Transcript
THE TALL GRASS DRIFTERS SATURDAY NIGNT HOUSEPARTY on Ladies and Gentleman, and Good People everywhere. Welcome to the Tallgrass Drifters Saturday Night House Party (background guitar/mandolin breaks into theme song: House Party Tonight)OPEN: Bow and Mike, House Party Tonight, dialog MIKE: Good evening everybody, welcome to the Tall grass Drifters Saturday night house party coming to you live from Tulsa Oklahoma. Thank you for inviting us into your home during these changing times. We want to welcome you to this new year of 2021 on a musical note with optimism for the future. 1 or In The Jail house Now Bow: We would like you folks to join us the first Saturday night of every month. We are here to entertain you with stories, fun and some of that good old time music like as this Jimmy Rodgers tune right here. How about a little in the jail house now Oklahoma Mike: #1 HOUSE PARTY 1st Song: In the Jailhouse Now(C2) Jimmy Rodgers, Elsie Mc Williams 1928�next song Oklahoma Hills Folks, we are going to play another traditional song, one I am sure you have heard before, a song called OKLAHOMA HILLS, written by Woody Guthrie in 1943 and recorded and made famous by Woodies cousin Jack Guthrie in 1945. Oklahoma Hills is the official Folk Song of the state of Oklahoma. 2nd song: Oklahoma Hills 190!(C4)�next song Wilder Than Her (C4)MIKE Speaking of the Oklahoma Hills, folks if you want to learn more about The Land of The Great Osage,be sure and go to Visit the for lots of good information on things to do and places to see in Osage County. Folks, come visit the Osage and kiss the playful prairie breeze of fresh air of the wide open plains. 2 Bow:Mention our guest and good friend Buffalo Cody Garnett from the Ben Johnson Cowboy Museum after this next song called Wilder Than Her 3rd song Wilder than her (C4)FLAT PICK�next song Jesse James Thank Tulsa Live Stream and introduce Cody16-21Buffalo Cody on stage and the BJCM Bow 1, 3 Mike 2, Cody 41.Can you tell us a little about the Ben Johnson Cowboy Museum? 2.I understand that you have quite a family rodeo history,can you tell us a little about that?�Trick Roping ?3.Back to BJCM and up coming events in Osage County 4.Cody closes: How about one of those crazy Bo Terry stories:_BACK TO #1 HOUSE PARTY2 Bow:Sounds good, let me think one up while we play this song about the Outlaw Jesse James:4th song: Jesse James �next song Milk Cow Blues 3 MIKE: Folks, If you want to come take a tour and hear some fascinating stories about Osage County, be sure and contact the Pawhuska Guide,they give historical tours (many outlaws included) and even give a tour based on the book and upcoming movie Killers of the Flower Moon. Pawhuska Guide even sports a really cool retro style hotel called The Historic Whiting Hotel, which is just up the street from the historic triangle building and the world famous Pioneer Woman Mercantile and of course, The BJCM. When do we get to hear another one of those crazy Bow Terry stories? Bow TERRY STORY#1. International Bob shots fired26-29MIKE: Folks, we will be back directly after this short commercial. COMMERCIAL 5 MIN.? Audio Ida Red, Miss Molly, Stay a Little Longer#2 HOUSE PARTY: MIKE:Folks, no evening of Oklahoma and traditional music would be complete without playing a song by the King of Western Swing, Bob Will and the Texas Playboys�House Dance Band for Tulsas the historic Cains Ballroom. 5TH song: Milk Cow Blues�next song I Like Trains MIKE: Folks, this next song goes out the little train town of Elgin Kansas located in beautiful Chautauqua County Kansas. Elgin is the home of the famous Elgin Jamboree music festival.6TH Song: I like Trains�next song Tennessee Waltz 4 Bow, We are gong to slow things down a little, no house party is complete without a waltz. We are going to make this one Ladies Choice Ladies, choose your partner. 7th Song: Tennessee Waltz�next song California Blues MIKE: Future events in Osage County? CODY: How about another one of those crazy Bow Terry stories before I get out of here. Bow TERRY STORY#2: Bow Constrictor in the House #3 HOUSE PARTY:54-65MIKE: I want to shout out to our good friends Mike and Connie Kirchner with Heart slash Chuck wagon Catering out of Cedar Vale Kansas. These working ranchers bring out the entire working chuck wagon and cook up breakfast, lunch or dinner for the entire crowd. Miss Connies cook in cant be beat this side of the mighty Mississippi. Hell, they can even put the entire cow on their rotisserie, I know cuz I have seen em do it! Will have Mikes phone number listed at the end of the show.5 MIKE: Folks, we are going to play another Jimmy Rodgers song. Jimmy Rodgers is widely considered the Father of Country Music. He was born into a railroad family,both his father and older brother worked for the railroad. Jimmy went to work for the railroad as a water boy when he was 10 years old and was promoted to breakmanat age 16. From childhood, Jimmy Rodgers spent many of days and nights riding those rails and hanging around the many train stops and stations along the way. While hanging around the railroad stations as a young boy, Jimmy came in contact with many traveling musicians from all walks of music including blues, country and folk. By age 11Jimmy had acquired a guitar and at 13 formed his first band. Jimmys exposure to these many traveling musicians helped him to develop their own unique rhythmic style of playing guitar with the separate finger picked base and melody lines. By the age of 17 Jimmy was playing music full time and would hop freight trains from town to town as far west as Oklahoma and Texas. Jimmy always dreamed of going to California to play his music, but he had contracted tuberculosis so many people did during that time. So he was frequently sick and never could make it to California, but he did write a great song called California Blues. It goes a little something like this.8TH Song: California Blues (C1)next song White Freightliner Blues for White Freightliner Blues 6th (Bow):Folks, we certainly appreciate you joining us for our debut of Saturday Night House Party. It is our honor and privilege to be work with such nice folks as Gabe and Troy here at Tulsa Live Stream. Folks, move the furniture out of the way, roll up the rug and make plenty of room for this fast trucking song: 9TH Song: White Freightliner Blues�last song CLOSING Green screen to change to audio/video You all Come From 14sec forward through end: MIKE: Be sure and tune in to our next show on Feb 6 that 8 pm right here at Tulsa Live Stream, where we are going to go back to the days of Hank Williams. PLUGS:TLS The BJCM Tim and Terrie Welton out at Peru Truck stop Visit The Osage Pawhuska Guide Our fellow Tall grass Drifters and good friends washboard player Joel Haden from Cedar Vale Kansas base player Perry Overstake from Wichita Kansas Rick Williams over at running dogs music Mike and Connie with Heart slash Chuck Wagon Remember, we are the Tall grass Drifters, your home town is our home town. 7 ENDING CREDITS Jimmie Leon Hardcastle, Cody Garnett and the Ben Johnson Cowboy Museum.Visit The Osage Pawhuska Guide Bucking Flamingo Heart Slash Chuck Wagon 620-870-12358 Song list: OPENING SHOW'"S THEME SONG: House Party Tonight (C3)1st Song: In the Jailhouse Now(C2) Jimmy Rodgers, Elsie McWilliams 1928 � next song Oklahoma Hills (C4)2nd song: Oklahoma Hills 190!(C4) �next song Wilder Than Her (C4)3rd song Wilder than her (C4)FLAT PICK �next song Jesse James 4th song: Jesse James �next song Milk Cow Blues 5TH song: Milk Cow Blues�next song I Like Trains 6TH Song: I like Trains�next song Tennessee Waltz 7th Song: Tennessee Waltz�next song California Blues (C1)8TH Song: California Blues (C1) next song White Freightliner Blues (C2)9TH Song: White Freightliner Blues�last song9