Monday or Tuesday Workout
Hi There Welcome To The Monday or Tuesday 1 Hour Fitness Program Workout Designed By Gymnastics Coaches Gabe and Olivia
Before you get started ask your self these simple questions to make sure these workouts remain effective, safe and useful to your schedule.
- Have I Been Hydrating Today?
- Have I Worked Out Any Other Day This Week?
- Are Any Of My Muscles Sore From Any Other Activities I've Been Doing?
- How Much Space Do I Have Around Me?
Before diving into these workouts make sure that you have been hydrating or are able to hydrate with small sips of water during these workouts. Also, make sure that if you have worked out previously this week you have given yourself ample rest before attempting these workouts with our coaches. Doing so will allow your body time to heal and re-energize and better keep you from injuring yourself during the workouts. Also, although we do go over stretches during these workouts please listen to your body and if there are any intense pains throughout any of the workouts you are stopping and assessing how bad the situation is before continuing. Lastly, Make sure that there is nothing around you that you could fall on during these activities as we do move around quite a bit. Check the floor for anything wet and make sure that if you're on a hard surface that you a wearing something that will grip the floor well.
Alright now that we've covered those steps This workout is designed for you on a Thursday or Friday and is a slightly more intense cardio workout than our previous two we have on Mondays and Wednesdays. Keep in mind that the last time you worked out should have been on Tuesday or Wednesday depending on if you're workout out currently on Thursday or Friday. Follow the guide below to ensure that you're workout out properly and not destroying those hard earned muscles by over doing it.
Guide To Workout Schedule
As most of us are aware, our bodies need time to build the muscle we use throughout the week in order for it to be effective. Putting ourselves on a schedule is the best way we can properly utilize our time in the week for workouts without damaging the body(too much). Here is how I would suggest you perform your worktous if you're following along with our programs here on the Tulsa Live Stream.
- Day One Monday: Follow along to our workout listed here.
- Day Two Tuesday: Rest Day, if you'd like to go for a run or a jog to workout some lactic acid feel free to do so, but do not push yourself. Allow your body time to rest.
- Day Three Wednesday: Follow along with our program listed here.
- Day Four Thursday: Rest Day, if you'd like to go for a run or a jog to workout some lactic acid feel free to do so, but do not push yourself. Allow your body time to rest.
- Day Five Friday: Follow along with our program listed here.
- Day Six Saturday: Rest Day
- Day Seven Sunday: Rest Day
- Day Eight Monday: Repeat the previous week Starting back over on Monday!
- Day Nine.. Etc Etc.
Keep continuing to follow along to the workouts and push yourself harder and harder each time, this will provide your body with enough rest to properly regenerate your cells and also keep you feeling great each day!
Thanks for watching and following along to our videos if you wouldn't mind donating to help our coaches out feel free to click the tip jar at the bottom of the video thanks again and god bless. Stay in shape with our two fantastic gymnastics coaches as they've developed a splendid program to help you stay on top of your fitness game.