Southern Sailor Band, Guitar Dave, Melisa and Interview - Ep. 143
Local Music From Musicians - T.L.S. Episode 143
Artist start times are listed below.
- Southern Sailor Band #138 - Start Time - 0:2:45
- Guitar Dave #18 - Start Time - 1:8:15
As Always tune in on the tulsalivestream main web site page for another exciting episode of the Tulsa Live Stream every Thursday starting at 8:30pm.
Interested in supporting your local music scene, feel free to click the tip jar at the bottom of the screen and donate to the Tulsa Live Stream. We split the donations from this video 50-50 while musicians are not live. But while they are performing live on the Tulsa Live Stream show we spit them 80-20.
Tulsa Live Music Stream Episode 143 Transcript From Host Gabe
That is no go why I got which drive removable Magan RIA gonna go tonight in OKC. They told us stories of what may be that is always it now you know people booted Road go down they got mad mad bull should listen to. So they'll have to learn use the they got mad Bowsher rails lesson. So you don't have to learn you so you feel pretty good to me you introduces planning. Okay we can do that for quite okay okay Texas exes very you okay okay I think I need way about a foreman slight Costilla where he kept on looking up monitors be funny behind all you and I look younger. I look way younger than you and America my hair like my hair radio actually relabeled Tulsa live stream thank you guys so much for tuning in once again. This evening we see here we've got a bank perform first here in the Tulsa live stream my just shot not your bands quick southern sailor band as the southern sailor banisters perform person Tulsa live stream. We are going to have to target close up the show for CSM in your for quite some time were happy to have him back on the program show general dudes very happy to have you guys here this evening. This your first time watching the program, you can always check out the musicians list where all of musicians that performed here on the Tulsa election program exist, as well as all of their performances and so once we produce the show and get it out onto our production that will also be listed under the southern sailor bands profile which will create after this performance to be sure to check that out. You can also if you feel like donating to any of musicians that performed here in the program or musicians themselves. This evening is donate button that you can do so just make sure you put their name in the comment section. There's a bunch of ways you can actually donate through suggest Wever comment section they have their name or they get assigned musician number for performing on the program that in there to get those funds pushed on over to them as well so yeah without further do we got southern sailor band where her bed where I and the stage liaison the Amazon again. They got mad Bowsher and so saying way line rather observe we wish way. There seesaws see had not left the see they got mad Bowsher and so they'll have to learn nowhere, oh why the black and which drive the road will make it Robin 09 in OKC. They told us stories of what may be as all you know people booted road go they got mad Bowsher so they'll have to learn just they got mad Bowsher. Thank you so you don't have to learn Llosa's magnetic repulsion that's a song that my good friend Norm McDonald and I rode together, JJ, Sally, we just met musicians you need to catch so I this next song is firebase player is very done back in the back very this one. It's called the Texas Exodus, which I understand to be something about leaving Texas and our lead guitar player Malibu backgrounds start so and should blow have say just as well God that we have blown have say just as well the good times that we had Texas Exodus my very done here on keyboards. Mitch Williams with this back here late in the rhythm down on the drums use electronic tonight, courtesy of Tulsa video magazine John Guadalupe Bay this next song is written by Max and I he asked me to sing lead on its over to try to sure microphones go you used to be dead to see been sold also also close now you have that surname boy Joe know the way got the right to survive be. So I find yourself much me all be be live your day you used to be that just bridge has been murdered so you will way you go from you just lay down just again let is to you comes right down to this. Just follow you glad you got Ogo play CJ Holland 205 so Joe, when you browse say now you way you turn. You used to just page has been concern you say euros euros you rose you say you rose to say now well roast my Malibu backgrounds after 20 years think I understand young woman behind the counter small-town convenience store who was afraid of me. This the highway outside/open way. With that he joined basin. I yes to the sound to come Basha where expression shall be Schumann's is this the one is the one who 20 years ago reading novels. Even Nixon saw what that impression deliveryman Valley G what you know what you want to be sure one is this the one is this the one I chose race I like set biggest we yeah sign the filing guy. No. Three while he walks Rusty's MOI job be the danger view. He so you will I live no player's movements are in. I two pictures start line stance time Matt Stevens he's the one who kills man who sweeps up be sure what is this the one is the one I you why you you all you are you all the way. Outside so much in the tradition of the talking blues Barry Dunn wrote the song called Myla and will and thank you very much down on my luck, very done Skybridge one more if we take a break. This is a song I wrote up in San Francisco. It's called animals before man for a Irish you since you way CSS doesn't work that day mad concrete block my way when when Josh know we began, the man seen a lot, with no gas Shastri though somewhere that this whispered hello. He wears stream see the deer got down that although somewhere cameraman when we were before we were men 9 PM stick so being the animal so no will maybe scan we were spoonful you were mad do you view the power can you be the rage what you want the savanna escape this cage that Carter's Y sad still Magan ugly animals that be in all the ball be humble D with the southern sailor Benetton backgrounds to my right. John what Lupe on the drums. Done on the base Mitch Williams on keyboards will be back just a few minutes. Thank you Tulsa video magazine back sounds great. It sounds great stage of sons. Okay. We really do we all okay will will will you this next song WAP that you okay to make room for very, is there anything else you can us to be singing is anything else you come over okay right okay you very what man mama party say yes account. Okay okay okay, welcome back with the southern sailor band. This song is a response to Accardi B's Grammy-winning song of the year from Lester summary may note that is is called mom Accardi saved money say right up front. We love the player we just take again when I was young used to be while just Everywoman and a skirt. Mama said boy you better sit down got forward to get her mama said you can't get okay be used by get WAP need to get that day be the day be older, I say mama was wrong evensong at all for years using that love stuff Axa service AdWords now one what mom was she say you can't get be use my be need to get be love be older, God say. Doing it wrong use of cottage get WAP use monitor get be need to get WAP in the older, I say mama was wrong thinking about the women love take five broad topics.they wanted love Ananova love me now God is say they need credit card say yes love to get WAP axolotl be need a car get WAP older guys just saying, hope you're wrong. Thank you very much mama party say I we have an element there. It's villain on your streaming services and it's available-for-sale on Apple music and Amazon and the band earlier. None of us would be offended. You bought a copy of the album on Apple or Amazon so please take a look at lease check us out. This is the title track from that album. It's called chasing our demons to while both of us made bed we've it dancing to some loud rock 'n' roll baby in a way is a bedroom that kisses my that felt a hand side down back mascots low last do we Megan love just Jason D job down the freeway fully because of doing 60 got the traffic just D65 we had fun just Jason D. So goodbye it's all be a nasty ripple plated bankers you're just so you be the judge's labor me who is played by but be so let go Sica Jack have a big cheese me overmuch yes but demons saw standing by the dance floor maybe watch me with one eye set name was temptation. So what about her drink and sat the table conversation Cerner after gobbler Seshan dirge and always rooted say something about souls Bonnie as I hooted close I could feed D's's so let go Sica Jack have a big cheese me much. Jason might be chasing arguments title track of the song started opposite dreams called three rides today blues warrior guy Johnny Soto man Gov. you stare get names asking question my jq Szabo show that's true, but one thought closing the my coven but not today had pulled up beside me. So that is a long-haul rule gave me you Rigel missed Obs about liquor, drugs and rock 'n' roll you said this road wouldn't buy one thought closing through my coven God today guy's cardmember said you will ball my whole you spent show hold IA dry good to get. Celestia chasing Tommy even if there is a whole bowl you. Mother's last to the boozing through. My coven God today. I say that's true why schools be to maybe come God today three rides. Not today blues software. Thanks so much. I wrote this song because my friends to my left, my friends, my right can only agree on one thing and that's this it's broken well they came to this world and Megan shot out of bed but show baby. I believe that we were given. A way hot work at people's no longer pay must do something different hires astray must do something different it make you again man because most wanted drug possession Wemple closure must streetwear present had no see payday loan is due stand not take another true brother must do something different this hires astray must do something different. It's broken make you again. Used to be so certain now know what to all that still makes sense live. He next you so many houses, welcome down this time. Bed bamboozle Bayview to be set aside community. They use we involve. For web data was y'all. We escape when we cared about us all must do something different is hires astray must do something different is brought make you good must you something different this hires astray must do something different it make you good suits broken. So much so where this is we went leave you tonight with our song that I wrote about everything makes me happy. It's called scenes of joy something like this is just one by me alive is not MTV's so later. See next biggest blade much John me all that I go three later. This all may something inside was pretty the page so BC joy who have sex is not really passed by with society� The road finest music. I know Seshan Mona bubonic by the side meeting line CDF speaks allow this evening, me Navarrette three music of the road is something Assisi joy the music closer to entire time that just who the top see you spread music is measures me to people and be done around the deadbolt run three together." As I understand what they mean job where if you can CAC music sets joy scene ever our time this evening, oh me something inside was free second together that that BC joy seems enjoy all right you generally are it's really appreciate you again is also great so I just noticed about to happen. We had a little bit of a malfunction in our audio software at the very beginning the program to get them to do that first song over again, and on courts, non-core where they wrote it, now known a train be to bed where I was and how did the stage playing songs Ueda route and was a again. I got back should can do so you don't have to learn yourself that way life rather observe we will had wishes away concern seesaws some see that rock and blues left see that got mad� And so they'll have to learn yourself you know me you know why God which will man RIA Bouknight OKC. They told us stories of what may be way is all litigation how you know Rhoda can go they got back cripple sure now so down to learn yourself they got mad bull should listen so you don't have to learn use. Thank you so much to Tulsa video magazine, we had a really great time, hope you enjoyed it with a southern sailor man will see out there. Wilson unite all right as we change our performance here. Thank you guys again so much on the Tulsa live stream without having you guys back sometime really soon again if you want to check out this performance is episode number 142 check out that episode or bring tears of birthday so I got to the musicians page under southern sailor band will be there in roughly 2 to 3 days if not definitely on Monday so I got two different guitar Dave minutes as we clear the stage get ready for that you guys can be right back all right were done tech tick tick tick. I will let guitar Dave do one final song for Yazdi me, but we also have a special interview with the crap ads will help from the audience back there not members of the southern sailor band just audience members who help me remember the name of the southern sailor Van yes I do audience members either you have interview with us after guitar Dave places one final song to say I was sexy talking to tech crew there and you guys have deftly been working on your stuff like for real is very noticeable yeah. Gotcha. We Geiser yes proved here. Thank you guys are coming back always pleasure to have Dave and his lovely lady here. I we get the interview started for you guys. What is clear the stage will quick will be right back to check to tip wait'll it finishes this rotation is a nonproductive switchover so much easier to cut this way for wait for okay now sojourning guzzler going there is not HD camera. I am not Eesti I am not I'm not all right hello everyone and welcome back to the Tulsa live stream thank you guys so much for tuning in once again is evening. Thank you guys reforming first before we get to conduct this interview and thanks to guitar Dave for his performance in his lovely lady friend. It's always pleasure to have guitar Dave they've been out of commission for quite a long time so is really cool to see them back in action this week. Thank you guys again. This is the southern sale sailor band acid thank you guys for coming out here is your first performance on the Tulsa live stream so if you were just, go down the line here, let's introduce ourselves and may be Tulsa little bit about your just musical experience will why all and are my 25 you know I got us they go. If we could Eric get his volume up just a little bit their formula be great. Well around one drawl Mitch you yeah it's awesome. So thank you again entertain the opportunity to have this interview with man's little later on in the evening, but really appreciate you guys for sticking around for it. So as far as your gigging experience goes what what is your typical show is it like what kind of venue that sort of thing callers are El Reno gotcha. We lost our last see you later role will yeah I think so Bill will love this thing said open gym. So start you joint you join the right before you yeah we I really thought the you guys played very you're performance was very top-notch here in the studio. I was very impressed by all of your not only your ability to work together out on the stage, but also just a each one of your talent levels us relatively high compared to some of the other people we've had here in the studio so that were hating me on the one ascetic Yahoo hey there is there some talent yeah there really is yeah I mean just in the hundred and 40 two thing now musical performances we've had on here. There's and there's some really talented people and it Simes. I'm impressed that I'm just so happy because I get to meet new people pretty much every week here and everybody's got their own stories where they come from like how they got to point from point A to point B really entertaining for me just a just to meet those people, but also that they all have this one thing in common, which is music is really cool just to see the different things that exist in that realm exists so it's massive. There's just so many different ways to do this thing called music and everybody has their own way to do it. It's really cool to see that so my next question is can you be absolute not not not yet gotten later so as far as your experience gigging in the Tulsa area. For instance, how how is the experience of those venues, let's say different or the same compared to what you experience here in the studio today just okay love for you everything. Those shows you Playboy shows we had a great you may show up and find crowded place. You may show up and you know you is just yeah yeah most is I don't care how many people showed up there all this all we play the show you will write you so are there any other any improvements that you might be able to make utilizing this digital platform. For instance, that would help you maybe get gigs or improve your own you know we was going across right shows will look like sunlight to come and do something like this I can see a quarter-mile. We played all originals love the opportunity you yeah that's awesome is the time lately. Years week three set right will you listen to the L and the way met you never know how to me it seemed like you has been together for you know all together for at least a year to two years and it's it's been yeah yes yes flow very well together the rhythms that yeah I mean we've we've so all she myself brought to some of the other musicians are performed on the program. There couple musicians who sold musicians and they write their own songs which is awesome that I think there fantastic solo musicians, but one of them has recently and I would say the past like two or three months decided to hire a drummer and he get he has his looping station petal board that he can back himself with and that alone has improved his performance by like 2 to 3 times just because he's got this thing backing them up and so I can only imagine what having a an actual human being able to you know change the rhythm as necessary exactly yeah yeah right and so I can only imagine what it would be like to have a real person being able to do that live on the spot yet. I really believe work surrounding so right, so some of the pitfalls that come with music tend to be how you move forward. What sort of roadblocks have you guys run into throughout your career you have to touch you know super deep on it, just throw some out there. What were you guys run into so far. You will read no you will all you the company companies where you tolerated your is. So we've all that want you you you you yeah yeah rock on can wait, here is your babies you will yeah yeah yeah so outside the band and outside well what we've Artie discussed attorney other issues you guys run into varas musical realm is concerned that we really love the records personally while we you brothers yeah right right right you get that I don't like yeah wish now you may go all confidence, not about pride it's confidence is confident so yeah so your Benjamin button overhear everybody Benjamin button you made it hard but we really, when you beginning this summer is things this yeah for sure Aslan working summary find that again. So if you search for the southern sale itself. The easiest place you but you have the music you have the rock on we really really love people yeah by gotcha I will check those platforms out you want to purchase that so wrapping this up. What was your experience like here today at the studio. What I saw and also very you know what you guys think is so screen while that's just you never anything you coming this really easy 07 the right right is this about we got figured out. Thank you. I will you second time right say I that was I we thank you guys. Thank you. We can do without you. So it's 50-50 at the very least your help you musician awesome. Thank you guys. If you leave with any other comments you know go through. Maybe bandmembers one more time then give your signout will call this night John drones. We love that was awesome. Perfect is all right hey go a long yeah yeah yeah I heard a little bit of Pink Floyd and there's some rush you both of those yeah yeah me. I'm sure everybody pulls you know from music that they enjoy listening to already so is gotta be some inspiration that I'm sure is pretty recent yet so they go. I all closes out here guys. Thank you guys again so much. I everybody that is getting conclude tonight's episode on the Tulsa live stream thank you guys again. We do this every week Thursday evening starting at 8:30 PM so tune in next week for another episode you want to check this one out produce its episode 143 so will see you guys next week. Thank you guys have good night