Apex, Twelve Vavle Diesel, Stormy Daniel, TC Band - Ep. 140
Local Music From Musicians - T.L.S. Episode 140
Artist start times are listed below.
- Twelve Valve Diesel #132 - Start Time - 0:2:30
- Stormy Daniel #101 - Start Time - 0:34:50
- Apex #124 - Start Time - 1:2:25
- Tony Canali Band #90 - Start Time - 1:38:45

As Always tune in on the tulsalivestream main web site page for another exciting episode of the Tulsa Live Stream every Thursday starting at 8:30pm.
Interested in supporting your local music scene, feel free to click the tip jar at the bottom of the screen and donate to the Tulsa Live Stream. We split the donations from this video 50-50 while musicians are not live. But while they are performing live on the Tulsa Live Stream show we spit them 80-20.
Tulsa Live Music Stream Episode 140 Transcript From Host Gabe
Good evening everyone and welcome back to the Tulsa live stream thank you guys so much for tuning in once again this evening. Tonight we are going to go ahead and and mashed together for of the best performances that we've had both on the audio and video production side as well as the musicians side for you guys this evening we had some issues with a couple of the participants that we wanted to have this evening some rescheduling had to occur so any get those guys on in a future show state tune for that. This evening we are going to have apex Stormie Daniel 12 valve diesel performing for you guys and I'm super excited to have them all on the program once again this evening. Again, these were the best performances over the past about 10 or 15 episodes that we've had on the program and were just were super excited to be bringing them back to you this evening. This your first time watching the program encourage you to click the interaction buttons that we have available to you on the website Tulsa live stream.com is the thumbs in the heart button. It's really helpful for the musicians to go back and watch their performances and see how many people were interacting with them during their show, as well as afterwards so keep clicking those buttons and stay tuned for the production and you can continue to click those buttons and those will be added to the performances thereafter. So again really appreciate everybody for tuning in. If you feel like donating to the Tulsa live stream program or to a musician. Feel free to use the donation button as well and we are going to get this show on the road. So thank you guys again all right. Thank you all to all the musicians who perform this evening. Again, we don't have a show without all the musicians who dedicate their time and effort into their performances, as well as the music that they want to share with you guys and we couldn't be thankful enough to all those musicians that travel from out of town, as well as all the musicians who come here on a regular basis and fill in whenever we have situations where people of canceled and were just especially like Bubba blues and Doug those two I believe have filled in more times than I can even count at the moment and I'm just so grateful to them, as well as all the musicians who come here every week and perform for your entertainment that is getting conclude tonight's episode on the Tulsa live stream. We again we do this every week every Thursday evening starting at 8:30 PM as a tune in if you're interested in watching it live or you can always check out the produced version shortly thereafter. So thank you guys and have a great night