Derek Archuleta, Stormy Daniel, Joesf Glaude - Ep. 134
Local Music From Musicians - T.L.S. Episode 134
Artist start times are listed below.
- Derek Archuleta #52 - Start Time - 0:2:30
- Stormy Daniel #101 - Start Time - 0:37:50
- Joesf Glaude Music #29 - Start Time - 1:5:30
- Randy Brumley #40 - Start Time - 1:5:30

As Always tune in on the tulsalivestream main web site page for another exciting episode of the Tulsa Live Stream every Thursday starting at 8:30pm.
Interested in supporting your local music scene, feel free to click the tip jar at the bottom of the screen and donate to the Tulsa Live Stream. We split the donations from this video 50-50 while musicians are not live. But while they are performing live on the Tulsa Live Stream show we spit them 80-20.
Tulsa Live Music Stream Episode 134 Transcript From Host Gabe
And it's opting out of a stressful thing is you don't have an audience and Dave and everybody laughed at my Jobson and told me you know how great I was and so that's always a cool thing. It was just a very relaxing environment and I think as an artist. That's one of things that you needed me to feel relaxing. Feel like you know, part of the show would not all right hello everyone and welcome back to the Tulsa live stream thank you guys are much for tuning in once again this evening. Here we have Derek Archuleta to be performing first on tonight's program, followed by we actually went live on location out to the Cape brewing company yesternight with Joseph blog group Randall Remley and Jamie Cooper. So we've kind of compiled video for you guys that will be played second during this episode and then we're going to close at the show was Stormie Daniel and he will be last performer of the evening and you have to ask him about his name. If you want to know more about why he has that particular name is it's about a famous person but he is not that famous person and so deftly talked about that if you ask anyway. We got there Archuleta this your first time watching the program and you're on Tulsa live I encourage you to click on the hearts and the thumb button while the performers are out here performing because they can see that happen live and it's always entertaining for them see that they can interact with you a little bit more. Whenever you do that with them while they live here on the stage and I system all around better experience if you click that button for them. There's also donate button if you're interested in donating to the musicians or to the Tulsa live stream studio 99% of the equipment that we have here that we allowed musicians to use has been donated to us and so that's how we keep on keeping on, and so we really enjoy doing this every week we've put on hundred and 33 previous episodes. This are hundred and 34th so yes a lot of a lot of time that we've been able to put into this and were hoping to continue on doing it after the disable future. So if you want to help us out by sponsoring or donating. Feel free to do that and if you want to find more about those details just contact the Tulsa video magazine or myself, Gabe yes that's me anyway really get Derek Archuleta out here first. Thank you guys again for tuning my name is Derek Archuleta I'm number 52. That was my last song and now back to get why thank you all right, we are asked just talking backstage and it seems that you have both physically and in your performance matured over the last since last we saw you very observant that this week so great yeah graduations on taking your next forward, but anyway so I just talked to Stormie backstage and he said he would like perform next. So instead of showing you guys that video that I have prepared for you now we are gonna go ahead and get Stormie out on stage gives couple minutes to get him out here and then that he will be performed for you guys currently set a long day and probably has long days every day and so is wanting to get some sleep. We backing up minutes and you will see it there at on the right side on the show and found that it's underneath course is it's produced right so that's good to conclude the actual live portion of Tonight Show again. Thank you guys so much. Thank you to Derek Archuleta for performing out here again and Stormie always a pleasure to have both of you Derek he really has grown in his performance now as I was enjoy seeing him out here every time is like this is just like continuing to break out of his cocoon that he started out in the shy little kid that came in here the first time and it's just it's really cool to see what he is come to now and it is far as his performance level is really as far as how well he's become being able to play the guitar is very impressive and so after sentencing any of the other previous episodes of the Tulsa live stream check out the musicians listing click on musician or tap on a musicians icon and I will pull up all of their previous performances you can check them out that way or course of you click the search videos button at top, then that will take you to all of the recordings that we have and so again I am going to go ahead and and play for you guys soon footage that we took live on location at the Cape brewing company last night with Joseph Claude and his charity event that he put on with the turpentine Creek charity and it's for the cat charity and they did it to benefit of course strays and and couple other types of issues that you run into having cats and so if you're interested in and donating to that because they got a website that got a Facebook group you can check all that out at through Joseph Claude or course you can talk to us about have anyway thank you guys again and this is going to conclude show live on the