Doug and Jay Cee Pee - Ep. 133
Local Music From Musicians - T.L.S. Episode 133
Artist start times are listed below.
- Doug #14 - Start Time - 0:2:30
- Jay CeePee #97 - Start Time - 0:35:10

As Always tune in on the tulsalivestream main web site page for another exciting episode of the Tulsa Live Stream every Thursday starting at 8:30pm.
Interested in supporting your local music scene, feel free to click the tip jar at the bottom of the screen and donate to the Tulsa Live Stream. We split the donations from this video 50-50 while musicians are not live. But while they are performing live on the Tulsa Live Stream show we spit them 80-20.
Tulsa Live Music Stream Episode 133 Transcript From Host Gabe
Hi there and welcome to the Tulsa live stream live entertainment program. We are helping musicians promote their original artwork as well as give them a place to improve the quality of their performances. This is your first time at the Tulsa live stream. I encourage you to bounce around the website and check out the hundreds of musicians that have been here, as well as the hundred and 30+ performances that we've had with those musicians if you're interested in hiring any of the musicians from the program. I encourage you to either message the Tulsa live stream directly or you can get a hold of the musicians using their contact information that they have on their profile page. Thank you guys and tonight we got Doug Russell to perform first on the Tulsa live stream program also we have JCP another returning musician and finally will have Al Jennings most likely to close out the show tonight yet. Thank you guys and welcome back to the show. Doug, I we had over hundred 30 musicians also take part in the Tulsa live stream music program. So if you're interested in doing that. It's very simple to become part of the Tulsa live stream program all you do is reach out to me through the Tulsa video magazine or the Tulsa live stream itself has those contact information on it. We are also now streaming on Roku TV. So if you're interested in downloading that at we have the Tulsa live music stream where we have kind of a best of going on. There were the best of our performances. We are saving recording and putting those out on the Roku TV for your enjoyment. So if you're Instinet check that out next up we got JCP another returning musician on the Tulsa live stream as she is primarily a gospel singer and so she is actually prepared Easter set for us to get that Roman for you guys tonight. Thank you guys again for watching and welcome back JCP everybody in this is me again JCP analyst the big thank you to all of you please support and happy Easter and blessings of East NTU. I'll be doing one of my favorite songs. My recent release, which is you want my hope is the hope of East that is the message that I'm here to share with you. I hope you like it. You are my hope all right. Thank you JCP once again for performing here on the Tulsa live stream program that is actually going to conclude tonight's episode of the Tulsa live stream. This is episode number 133 at thank you JCP for having the opportunity to perform and all Easter set for us as Easter rapidly approaches its coming up this Sunday. Tomorrow is Good Friday. So make sure you're only eating fish as meat. If you are Catholic or believe in that sort of thing. I will have be having a fish dinner that makes you swaying somewhere warm, but anyway JCP again. Your sets are always so beautiful and you have a very amazing voice and it's to my understanding she has always she's composing all of her own music and so it's all just it's all very fantastic performance and she put that set together specifically for us this evening with the idea of having it for Easter. So again, thank you so much for that you to Doug for coming in here in opening the program for is this evening and we do this every Thursday evening at 8:30 PM so if you're interested in performing on another episode. We do this every week so it's very easy to get on the program just have to go through this very small half hour-ish process and I will get you scheduled for Tulsa live stream program sometime the future but it is very beneficial to all the musicians you're performing we provide the ability for you to go back and check how you did on your last performance as well as if you want to come critique yourself and make adjustments to your performance. You can do that through our production all of the episodes that we've had here on the Tulsa live stream program are ready and available for your viewing. Just go to the Tulsa life remain website which are already on her you would be watching this program and you can select either by musician severe musician wanting to watch yourself go to the musicians page, click on your own icon improve all of your episodes that you performed on the Tulsa live stream will show up underneath. If you're on a mobile or there on the right side of the screen. If you're on a desktop you click through those episodes and you can see how you've done and see any performance that you got on the Tulsa live stream through those means or you can check out other musicians and maybe see something that you're interested in adding to your own acts that will help you improve your performance. We also do outreach every week to local organizations, local social media platforms and events things of that nature. We try and get you guys promoted to those people who are interested in hiring musicians and just a really good atmosphere to have an electronic package that you can send to event owners parties or people were just looking to plan an event of some kind and you can do that all through the Internet instead of having to have a physical copy that's all-digital now so all you have to do is send them a link which you can actually click on on our program and you can select the Facebook link or the Twitter link and it will actually copy all of those things for you. If not, if you're little bit more tech savvy you can actually you know highlight the address bar and copy and paste the link on the top screen and that is how you can send your EP K of sorts to then use business owners or something like that. If you're interested in trying to get hired and you can do that on any of your episodes and if you guys would like we have kind of started doing this for a couple musicians through donation base only kind of thing about we can cut out your performance and provide that to you if that's something that you're interested in just contact me if it money is an issue we can figure out something for you just feel free to get a hold of us and will help you out as best we can. Anyway, that's can conclude tonight show will see guys next week for another Tulsa live stream music apps