Bubba Blues, Bob, Jeffrey Huffines - Ep. 130
Local Music From Musicians - T.L.S. Episode 130
Artist start times are listed below.
- Composer Jeffrey Huffines #105 - Start Time - 0:2:30
- Bob #84 - Start Time - 0:41:20
- Bubba Blues #28 - Start Time - 1:7:15

As Always tune in on the tulsalivestream main web site page for another exciting episode of the Tulsa Live Stream every Thursday starting at 8:30pm.
Interested in supporting your local music scene, feel free to click the tip jar at the bottom of the screen and donate to the Tulsa Live Stream. We split the donations from this video 50-50 while musicians are not live. But while they are performing live on the Tulsa Live Stream show we spit them 80-20.
Tulsa Live Music Stream Episode 130 Transcript From Host Gabe
Hello everyone and welcome back to the Tulsa live stream you guys so much for joining us once again. This evening episode number 130 yes we hit another 10 Mark thank you guys again. This evening we have our composer Jeffrey finds followed by Bob. I was kind of make fun of Bob is not really make fun of its more or less just me saying his name and then putting action to it because you can pop your head you know so anyway when Bob plays a like to pop my head in the background while Bob splaying so I could say Bob a lot warmonger this very convenient after Bob working hubbub blues close out the show for is this evening. So get ready for all that we to get Jeffrey to come out here first. Again, welcome to the show everybody and you all right. Thank you Jeffrey finds again for another fantastic performance here in the totalizing program again we don't have a show without the performers that, here every week. So thank you guys think you, Jeffrey thank you to the other two performers we've got bubble blues and Bob to perform for us for the rest of this evening. Again thank you thank you thank you if you feel like supporting any of the musicians you can go to musicians list page that you can find every musician who's ever performed on the Tulsa live stream show, as well as contact information for each one and then if you feel so inclined to do so. There is a donate button in which you can simply put the musicians name or since they perform genital selection program, we assign them a number you can use either of those two ways. There is no performance name so far that we've had is a duplicate so you can donate to either of those methods and we will push those funds on over to the musicians as you see fit. Also keep in mind the Tulsa live stream is we do accept donations and pretty much everything you see on the Tulsa live stream stage that does not belong directly to a musician has been donated to us and so in order for us to continue moving forward. We do need your help. So thank you to everybody who has done so. So far things all of our sponsors who have also contributed to the Tulsa live stream program You got Bob sorting going get him out here on the stage and stay tuned for that will be back here in a couple minutes with Bob. I was really enjoy Bob performances here in Tulsa live stream program guys, very soothing enjoy it is very calming to listen to some of the words you of the meeting can be yet sentimental, I would've used impressive, and I did not want use that word because it's not true to its meaning. Thank you will help from the audience. There was sentimental so think that I got bubblers totalizing closeout show force this evening and you guys again we are going to get him out here clear the stage will quick it should be quite five minutes for figure something Segars isn't going enjoy and that when we bring you fabulous guy writer all aboard all right and is still this real quick. I think you guys so much Virginian for another episode of the Tulsa live stream again. This is episode number 130 so thank you guys Virginian per hundred and 30 episodes of the hundred 30 weeks a.k.a. two years and some change were very, very excited continue to bring live local music original artwork from musicians here on the Tulsa election program. If you're interested in becoming part of the program all you have to do literally is reach out to me that easy. So don't be afraid. I me I'm pretty likable guy. I will around me trying to you notetaker glasses off, but anyway was you guys next week. We just every Thursday evening at 8:30 PM so tuning starting 830 like 1030. Most we have interviewed all of the people here this evening so we will be back next Thursday and we would love Segars there so next week you guys.