A.M. Buried Inside, Berto Brown Ep. 129
Local Music From Musicians - T.L.S. Episode 129
Artist start times are listed below.
- A.M. Buried Inside #106 - Start Time - 0:2:30
- Berto Brown #131 - Start Time - 0:39:15
As Always tune in on the tulsalivestream main web site page for another exciting episode of the Tulsa Live Stream every Thursday starting at 8:30pm.
Interested in supporting your local music scene, feel free to click the tip jar at the bottom of the screen and donate to the Tulsa Live Stream. We split the donations from this video 50-50 while musicians are not live. But while they are performing live on the Tulsa Live Stream show we spit them 80-20.
Tulsa Live Music Stream Episode 129 Transcript From Host Gabe
All right hello everyone and welcome back to the Tulsa live stream thank you guys so much for joining us once again this evening on monies gave the host of the show tonight. We have two performers hang out with us for the evening we have a.m. buried inside of us followed by beer to Brown he will be performing after a.m. this evening and run you not here a.m. if you'd like to iambs been here what, twice, three yeah, he's been here twice before on the totalizing program were happy to have them back. He's got. I would say leaning more towards the dark side of the force music will be performing for us this evening. Very very entertaining. Nonetheless, I think is probably one of the most well-rounded entertainers that we have here on the program and very excited to have him back on the Tulsa election program. This is your first time watching the show. Feel free to go to Tulsa live stream.com it's the best place to enjoy watching the performances here in the Tulsa live stream program. There you can actually interact with the musicians while there performing Sibley by clicking on the two buttons we have for you. There's a thumbs button is a little heart button that you can click on and they can actually see those interactions live when you click on it. They get a preview and know that you guys are watching out there so they can see that happening in real time. So it's always exciting for musicians to see that during their performances and if you feel so inclined to do so. There is donation options that you can use while you're watching them on the program and be no different than if you walked by musician mother performing on the street and toss them 1/4 or a couple of quarters in their tip jar. We have the same kind of atmosphere here the Tulsa live stream program an idea here is to you promoting the musicians here the Tulsa area and we hope to continue to do so. So thank you again a.m. were happy to have you back check out my other stuff on like: medias us get the chance buried inside of us to type it out googly find of the other vital there because y'all are awesome. I was able to get verification so I appreciate everyone of you with anything about, but overall Tulsa video magazine men. If you can donate some funds if you got any really like if you got ER you want to pretrade they will help you to portray it. There some amazing people and upcoming here bit of a scare detective perform some of these tracks specially/mega memories of stuff as I do it but I will comfortable here. So being able to do that is just extremely genuine and it's something you can't replace so like if you have that ability to come on try to get on stage. Just try to show what you got. They will help you do it. If you need some help ME up you're probably on the Facebook or something just Julie message talk to have and will talk everyone and anyways here is her thank youse it's it's it's John Sina's getting thank you guys again for Tinian here lifestream. We are going to take a quick break and we will be back with our newest performer there to rounds will be back here in minutes with him. Thank you guys returning for a.m. again click on those thumbs and heart buttons while the musicians are out there performing it's better that way will see guys here we see that we Sina all right sorry about that, welcome back to the Tulsa live stream program here we have a new Tulsa live stream program. This is Virgil Brown. I welcome to the show is going to be performing for us this evening and then afterwards we can go ahead and do an interview with a.m. buried inside of us excited for the interview very excited for Oberto here and I is going get the show on the road go awry. Thank you Oberto Brad appreciate you man appreciate the opportunity absolutely so is kind of his first time out here so were excited to have Bertelli and and he's telling me before we got them on the show today, really. It's almost as first time really warming in the public realm almost so were super excited to have a beer supercenter that he took the opportunity to be here this evening and I tried out for seemingly a change, welcome to the live performing are well really I really know musics very easy to rock to get this that he beats it's nice not really somebody's capable of holding you to say did great memory really appreciated you all right so we are going to take another break to get onto her interview with a.m. buried inside of us. So stay tuned that back here in a couple minutes with all right hello and welcome back to the Tulsa live stream thank you guys again for tuning in this evening here I have with me a.m. buried inside of us. He's perform tear about three times I think Tulsa live stream program. Very happy to have you, welcome back to the show and welcome to the interview portion we've been kind of this year we've kind added in this segments just because we had a lot of feedback from people and and they said that the the interactions between musicians host seem to be the best part of the program so we like all right will let's let's just add in this interview style thing so I am we been trying to get an interview with at least one performer throughout the duration of this year. So since we've added that in now we have here a.m. and I know I've said your name like six times but just give us give us who you are and I maybe just a little bit of your background, how long you been in the music world music. Some local you keep a lot of is from anything like soft rock to death metal anywhere that bracket alike pretty much any genre of music as well as got a story actually some sort of you know that juice depth is not just this little cookie cut hey this this this this guy like old what'd he mean by couple of metaphorical concept about the that you lyrically, I don't know if we have a I don't know if betters the right word, but like more intricate lyricist that's here on the talk that has been here on social yes stream program. I think you at least rate in the top five in that category and we ask you have a lot of musicians of interrupter hundred 31 now so you have competition and I would say your you're fairly high up there and definitely the fastest singer think that we've had on the program you can you can meld words together in less than a second and that's that takes talent try to like literally learn that from basically getting myself like time in between like you have certain words they can go together, but the words is not about like them going together. It's about trying to put like words that actually mean something from that previous word and actually housing electrons that right is your Tronics when the story say like I got a plastic bag in the near here talk about shovel like what right back helmsman bag gaggle guys not right right well very, very interesting music and so how do you get your ideas from from wherever you get them, but how do you get your ideas for all the CI literally a lot of my music us do with my life. So whether it's past, present, or possibly future acid doing that type of realm. There are stuff that that there is stuff, but that is just fiction or attractive trade is fiction, and then you have to put yourself in the shoes that portray whatever you're doing and like to close your eyes, like daydream it make those lyrics, gotcha's that's very intense. I know in some martial arts actually teach how to do that but with the skill itself and so I I I couldn't even think of how to do that with words but I could do it physically I think and I think there's a comparison there that you could draw that it takes immense concentration to you. You put yourself in the back zone and then dislike create it really does. Sometimes you have to like if the block everything else out. We are writing like get confusing you starlike that's a great first first undulate out solid second verse you like and so like when you're when you're putting your flow into something. Sometimes it takes several days a lot of people have the they get frustrated the sailor got writers block will give yourself couple days and experience something in that same type of thing is read the song about annual bill to have that second person housing to see it step another shoes to literally write it down yeah that's awesome and so this your third time here in the totalizing program. What did you if you can recall way back when at your first performance here what what was your experience like and if you want. If somebody walked up use that ham thing about get into the music world would you tell about the Tulsa life the Tulsa live stream is amazing now. However, if they try to get the music really want to cover the music world that is also, I suggest you do that, but know that is very expensive. If you want to actually do it but you can always do things on a budget and I like the Tulsa video magazine for the sheer fact that literally on lifestream in this I feel like in front of a crowd of thousands people at Sen. brings a get to see myself and I get to see the cameras and stuff and after block that out for us and yeah just kinda like literally Chadha given into the music get into that much like him awesome. So if you could pick a couple unique things about the Tulsa live stream OGC things are the sound gonna see, it's like whatever I'm doing this and I can actually hear the speakers had like that the sound coming towards myself away from muscle got remail evidence really clean and even though one of my tracks is a little lower Netherlands. I was still able to do it because I could still feel it like it's like you here you fill the all yeah yeah awesome cool brownie points for you young men now let's fantastic man is far as you you music history what what kind of things may be obstacles if you will have you had to climb over on your way to this moment. I don't honestly remembering to drink a lot of water because push your diaphragm to push really pushing between those different octaves dried up. My biggest thing that came in between me and being more about today was literally trying to learn how to do learn your voice itself and then try to actually put Dotson music without dogging on yourself too much like all right sound great be critical all your you're only getting get better you know that's that's that's the thing and you have to tell yourself that every day only to get better and that no you will one day can keep practicing so that's that's really the biggest obstacle awesome has there been any life experience that's like put a stop to you music and then you had like after you overcame that you continue like what what things like that have you had to go through will Lessard often music@to the wreck of the smaller stuff and I was playmakers to guitar and I learned to play guitar six weeks for show her show itself was that deletes smaller but at the fairgrounds. There will the day I played that show. I had a call before I stepped on stage that my mom needed help biological mother she got diagnosed with ALS and so I had to basically go fly out to New Mexico. Take care, and then come back and started doing the wrap Broxton next get together can pick up the guitar anymore just couldn't about a band distancing right in a story being really accessible vocals just trying to reach new levels when she passed suffered and go on stage for about five years just up on stage like December 4 20 20 yeah 2020 show sent some stuff awesome. So if you could kind of what compare your experience here the Tulsa live stream to be just another venue here in the Tulsa area, how would you compare the two. Honestly, I love being here because I know that I'm surrounded by good people must, must not that that's ever happened or anything it's just more or less like I'm very comfortable here. 70 here I see the people that are here met before. Like you, let's have we converse about our lives back up so like a really like that about here specifically go if you can make any improvements about the show here what would you improve don'ts, air-conditioning, we get that a lot. I don't I don't really know actually really like to set up like the way that it is because literally let's you and placing got all your life stuff on this is really cool like it's good live awesome. Well, we appreciate you being here you have any questions that I haven't asked that you liked answer more or less along of you have Longview had the Tulsa video magazine. So we started live stream in hope September September 2020 suggest before actually you started back up so yeah so it's only been we got 130 episodes so that relates to yet. This is 129 sorry so we've been doing this for two years and like something hundred 24's 52�2 so yeah five extra weeks so yeah two years in five weeks we haven't missed an episode and not something I'm I'm really proud of here the studios. Even when ice stopped anybody from coming year. We came in we store able to put together a show we've done pre-recordings for holidays and obviously Thanksgiving is on Thursday. Yes, sometimes that makes difficulties, but we figured a way that we can still do a quote unquote live portion of the show and still make it just like every other show so I'm I'm really proud of that fact. Yes two years in five weeks. Also yeah so you have anything else you want to add me any callout you plan anywhere here soon X, I have the 20 seventh the first right now rock on some of those shows it Momus is what Chris however think about to have Momus is and those they all have Facebook page. They check that you definitely checkup buried inside of the surf you friendly you see those event pages and stuff like trying to spam Fiji much but I definitely will will deftly share those around if you're interested night she may message and any questions you guys. You must always try to get back to have any questions whatsoever. So his eyes very sponsor one arrived contact at school last thing is there's one other thing say some figured out next time. Anyway thank you guys so much for tuning in and watching Tulsa live stream program is episode 129 think YouTube Erato and Andy Mittleman a.k.a. a.m. buried inside of us for being here on the program always pleasure and welcome to the Tulsa live stream Erato again couldn't thank you enough for being here on the program this evening. If you feel like donating see either of these artists or any of the other artists that are here on the Tulsa live stream program. There is a musicians profile page. There you can find every musician that's been here on the program you can just click that donate button and either put their name or they all get an artist number four being here on the programs you can put that number in there to and will make sure that those funds get pushed over those musicians as you would like to donate to them. If you do feel like donating to the Tulsa live stream program itself. All the microphones that we use here all of the stage equipment that we have here has been donated and so we couldn't thank you guys enough we can think our sponsors enough are helping us keep the lights on here at the program I get so much enjoyment out of seeing new people every week and just like putting music together assist really really cool and exciting for me to do that every week so I'd like to continue to do that and I can't do that without your help with our sponsorship. So you're interested in any of that you can always contact either the Tulsa video magazine, we can email Tulsa Tulsa live stream.com and I'll answer any of those questions that you have. We will see you guys next week next Thursday 8:30 PM for another show. Thank you guys have a good night good night