Tulsa Musician Interview And Performances Ep. 124
Local Music From Musicians And Interivew With Doug Russell - T.L.S. Episode 124
Artist start times are listed below.
- Max James #128 - Start Time - 0:2:30
- Doug #14 - Start Time - 0:35:0
- Bubba Blues #28 - Start Time - 0:1:2

As Always tune in on the tulsalivestream main web site page for another exciting episode of the Tulsa Live Stream every Thursday starting at 8:30pm.
Interested in supporting your local music scene, feel free to click the tip jar at the bottom of the screen and donate to the Tulsa Live Stream. We split the donations from this video 50-50 while musicians are not live. But while they are performing live on the Tulsa Live Stream show we spit them 80-20.
Tulsa Live Music Stream Episode 124 Transcript From Host Gabe
All right hello everyone and welcome back to the Tulsa live stream then you guys so much for tuning in once again this evening. Here we have a new warmer on the Tulsa live stream program Mrs. Max James Joby first-tier the Tulsa life of next got Russell, followed by blues Tulsa be interviewing Russell so that also God our sponsorship giveaway this among being sponsored by the Tulsa video magazine company of the Tulsa live stream and that this will be the second clue that we've given out for the giveaway correctly for the middle you will giveaway since last month. We also sponsor giveaway and the riddle was not that giveaway is added on to this so you also get a sponsor away from trees Ekron is known as long so on tonight's program again. We got Max we got Doug we got Tulsa donating musicians live stream program going on the donating icon in the bottom stream sure they would like to review them. Also running slashing program. We pushed all of those funds back studios better quality musicians since they also profile lifestream site. While all the are readily available and we are going start here with Max show. I think you Max James for performance here on the Tulsa live stream program. If you just you keeping outright here for a few would mind so as I mentioned before, we are going to go ahead and going to our next clue for this month giveaways from Tulsa video magazine and it's a 20% off advertising fee. So if you're interested in winning that you have to answer this riddle. I give you a clue last week's if you're curious about what the previous clue was you gotta go back to episode 123 and watch that it's hidden somewhere in the episode and you can put that clue. Alongside this clue and this week's clue is its tall and there you have it to clueless. Okay, I'll go headset last week's clue was its big yes. So it's also not only is it big, but is also tall. So if you think you know the answer. All you have to do is either message Tulsa video magazine call into the number on the Tulsa live stream or you can even email me Tulsa Tulsa live stream.com and if you submit a answer. I will only take one and your first submission for the day and then you can try again the next day. I want to take 700 submissions from one person on a single day that wouldn't be fair so any his we are going to get Doug Russell out here to perform. Thank you again Max James's pleasure to have you here. We hope to have you back at some point in the near future and were looking forward to it. Thank you guys again will be back with Doug Russell all right actually Bubba we've kind of reformatted the show we are doing an interview at the end of the program now so actually getting get Doug back out here. We have interview with him this evening so I will be back in a couple minutes with Doug Russell in his interview. Thank you guys much for watching a ride. Thank you guys so much for tuning in here on the Tulsa live stream. I we finished the music portion of our program and we decided this year to add in some interviews with all the musicians we have because were up like 100 30 or something musical groups and I think over 200 musicians setting to be really cool to start having this this little interview type situation at the end of the program so it on this last couple weeks and had some interviews with some newer musicians and sewer, cycling back through all the musicians who have performed on the program. So I think Doug I think he's got the most unless it's guitar day. I know you're 35 so your this will be of yeah Doug that this will be his 36 performance on the program bub. I think this was his 33rd performance I can't member what guitar Dave's that better notes close to the both of you, but anyway so if you don't mind would you introduce yourself or quick to everybody's who are we talking to hear Doug Russell Plano folky everyday average full musician and so one of the really cool things that I've noticed about your performances that you you always bring this this like folky, not just the music that you play, but you're at your personality is that way as well while you're out here on the stage. So how did you did you come up with that persona like I don't know just like what what gave you that inspiration. I'm just myself when as young my granddad played guitar play with never learned enough to do that that before he passed away figured out with this white has learned how to play it when anything unusual be out the barn and that way but mom didn't have to hear and so, but I figured out I was having fun and that's really all that matters. Going have some fun that's awesome long so I'll know if it's personal right on all you I get I get to talk to you on you outside of just being here on the program and so there's definitely a switch that happens you need turn into the musician Doug one of you come out here on the stage versus you know just the high Doug out here in the at the in the studio and so that's it's always cool to me whenever I see some return that mode on because it's it's like you know whenever similes out playing sport they they turn that that hates gametime modems really cool to see that the music industry and not everybody has that you know some some people are the exact same on stage as they offstage and I could just be that they're carrying their persona throughout the rest of her life. So they are person that they are on stage and I don't think there's any thing wrong with either aspect but it's really cool to see you. You do really have a separate yeah game mode it's really it's really cool to see that being said, I thought about it I do. I do think there is soon some people out there that find your performance lovely. If you will fun intended because the hearts but I think you might be the number one clicked on musician on the program as far as during your live performance. So who out there. Would you you know possibly think of that would be clicking the heart. So many times during your performance. I don't know there's different people at different times of course my wife Susan yet that if she did not would really be upset I would know what to think but there's there's others. Some of the different ladies that I know from Renaissance fairs like that was in court that my right now really don't know yeah is also that one young lady who who actually came to the studio once or twice how you well now Phoenix yeah I don't play I don't know if you haven't seen her in quite a while. I don't know if you can watch live stream gotcha so yeah I'm sure there so she weekly on her she could. Sometimes I'm 99% sure it's her because it is an endless belt whole time you're out there. I believe that it I believe that it's whenever I'm watching that you can deftly tell a difference but yet so you others there's a lot of life experience that comes into the performances for most the musicians do you care to elaborate on anything that you you've been through that's made you the musician that you are today. Can't think of anything in particular just all the little bumps all the little bumps add up the there. There's been plenty of times whenever I probably should been alive yeah somebody whole lot bigger than anybody on this planet looking out for me in that respect. So yeah I got it remember what try to acknowledge that every week, because that's that's the main thing is because I really believe it. Good Lord looking out for me and loudly yeah it allows me to have fun with music right it seems like you're very passionate when you're out here and and it shows on on the performances I really appreciate you and everything that you've done here at the studio and and on the Tulsa live stream program. It's been it's been really cool to see just how much you can do as a performer. Thank you. So as far as the Tulsa live streams concerned how of you have you used the program may be to develop yourself as musician a lot of times I'll watch it. No I cannot watch the performances and go home. Never again help don't do that were no that was awful little you know within luckily I usually forget that I watched so you said you but now I watch them try to learn. I'll see what I misstep on or catch catchword yet going in the wrong place. I really say that, but it's always fun because you know I've got some friends that are great musicians mean really great musicians antonym the music means everything right. The words okay may have always been the opposite. Words are the first thing my gotcha and so when I miss those tongue-tied is terrible. I would have to miss record but I don't want miss right so I just do certain degree I would have to agree with your friends because to me what matters is is the rhythm that the way the sound is coming out I think is the most important thing to me, but that being said I also don't really remember songs unless I remember the words to them and so there's a lot there's a lot of play whenever you're playing a song and you know the attention getter I guess is how maybe somebody comes into the song, but the words may be the reason why they keep listening to and so there's you there's a lot there's a lot to say about both sides of the equation X fun. It is midnight. I I'm so happy that I get to see so many different people out here performing I get to meet new people pretty much every week and that's I'm just like every time somebody different and they may do sometimes even musicians do the same songs that other musicians have done, but the person does it so much different than another actress just like wow that's a completely different song. Even though the words of the same. Even the melody sounds similar but every it's just different because the musician themselves has decided to alter it in some small way and that's really cool to see. Will I always learn from listening to other people. There's young lady I've never matter but I have listened to her on Internet name was Serena Matthews the old so you are my sunshine Jimmy Davis. I think it was a standard for all of us when we were younger oh sheet listen to the songs you know that's really kind of a sad song you redid it completely where it was a very heartbreaking while all and okay you can do this kind of stuff right doesn't destroys right. This changes yeah yeah it's always it's always cool to find inspiration through other artists in and everybody has their own way of doing something I. I really have not heard musician that's coming here and done a cover them do it the same way that the artist maybe originally intended it for even has done and produced and so that's really really cool just to see how many variations of the same thing that people can come up with right very talented thing I know where to begin when it comes to trying to you know do a song different from the way that it already sounds. So I find a lot of honor and respect, and in the way that musicians carry themselves very entertaining time. So if you would like to inspire a musician to come onto the program. What kind of advice would you would you give them prior yeah call this just call this go on the Tulsa live stream website called the number set up because nobody here is going to bite you, that's for sure. And most time is good have a great time that the hardhearted parts when Gabe's over there going 75 minutes and you know that that's the hardest part trying to pay attention to the background check work yeah yeah yeah Lasso Lasso. Oh crap I had about 19 others lined up in my head. I was also that you have that many lined up in your ad, but no really any anybody that would like to play on the lifestream get hold again get a hold website, now it's a lot of fun everything we appreciate that alrighty well that is good to conclude tonight's episode. Thank you guys again for tuning in. This is episode 124. If you're interested in performing on the program as Doug said, it's very easy to get a hold of us just check out Tulsa video magazine on Facebook or Tulsa live stream everywhere else Tulsa video magazine, runs the program but Tulsa live stream's the name of the show. You can find us in both names so contacting in those means is how you get hold of us. It's very easy to get on the program 99.99% of the time is just hey let's go perform the other 1% is hey show me what you can do before you come out on the stage because there are things that we don't allow on the Tulsa live stream program so there is a brief screening process that's mainly just an interview that says hi who are you, I'm me. This is you now it's perform. So very simple stuff, but we do this every week, every Thursday evening starting at 8:30 PM so tuning next week. If you're interested. If not, well then you can go do whatever it is that you would normally do on Thursday evening at 8:30 PM and I was a guest next week