Tulsa Music With Musician Interview Ep. 122
Local Music From Musicians And Interivew With Jesse David - T.L.S. Episode 122
Artist start times are listed below.
- Jesse David #127 - Start Time - 0:2:3
- The Struggle #86 - Start Time - 0:40:33
- Derek Archuleta #52 - Start Time - 1:8:7

As Always tune in on the tulsalivestream main web site page for another exciting episode of the Tulsa Live Stream every Thursday starting at 8:30pm.
Interested in supporting your local music scene, feel free to click the tip jar at the bottom of the screen and donate to the Tulsa Live Stream. We split the donations from this video 50-50 while musicians are not live. But while they are performing live on the Tulsa Live Stream show we spit them 80-20.
Tulsa Live Music Stream Episode 122 Transcript From Host Gabe
All right hello everyone and welcome back to the Tulsa live stream thank you guys so much for joining us once again this evening. Tonight we have a new performer joining us here in the stage Tulsa live stream. His name is Jesse David so he will be our first evening raid, the struggle feels we will be performing second and will have Derek Archuleta perform third and then by special request. Derek has asked me to do an interview with him for project that is working on at school involving the Tulsa music community so he can have that interview with us were also gonna take a little bit of time and interviewer newest at the end of the program as well. Also if you been paying attention to our previous episodes. You know that we are right smack dab at the end not in the middle. At the end of our first promotion from the trees at Great Lakes hairstyling salon. She's giving you a 20% discount on a haircut. If you can answer the riddle and we have six clues scattered across the last several episodes of the Tulsa live stream so tonight I will be giving out an additional clue for you all, that will help you determine the answer to the riddle so Stayton for that. It will be happening sometime during our show this evening. If you want to check out the other clues. This is episode number 122 you would have to check out episode 121 120 and nebula ends episode 13 if you want to gather all of those clues and make your educated calculated guess on what the answer is so yet go check those videos out but first up we've got Jesse David perform here welcome to the show all right. Thank you Jesse David this first time out here on the Tulsa life seems welcome to the show again. We will be having an interview with Jesse at the end of the program's estate tune for that should be happening right at 10:00 PM up next got Ray the struggle fields and I felt like this is a great time to bring you guys some news about the Tulsa area is not good news. Apologize, but apparently they are raising parking fees in downtown Tulsa in six different locations and are going from $10-$20 so that sucks where descent of the get paid for it. I've Noida, but anyway so that's your Tulsa related news, we got the music news for you, which I'll be bring you guys after Ray's performance Stayton for that we to get the struggle out here ASAP so will be back here in a couple minutes after the break and don't forget to drink some warm milk all right. Thank you struggle always pleasure to have you here on the program next up we've got Derek Archuleta is gonna be performing for us and then afterwards we've got the interview with Jesse David, followed by an interview with Derek Archuleta. Thank you guys so much for tuning inwardly get Derek out here on the stage but before we do. I have some musical news for you all. I was reading in the old enter webs and I came across this article. Yes, it's an article on the Internet. Yes, it is about Neil Young. Yes, I was reading I was reading that Neil Young had requested that Joe Rogan be removed from spotter five. It's either that or he himself was going to remove himself from spotter five know where to stop right just modify. I kid you not said okay by weird what I know. I guess Joe Rogan had said something insecure you know about some things that he was passionate about and so he. He made no you know more. More power to both of them. They both spoke up what they believed in right I guess and then Eric Clapton joined Joe Rogan and what he believes so yeah there's some somewhere stuff going on the music round if you didn't know check that out. There's always articles about everything on the Internet is a great place to find information, especially information that may or may not actually be relevant. So anyway that's your article of the day. If you were paying attention earlier. I will be giving you guys the newest clue to our riddle and that riddle if answered correctly get you a sponsored 20% discount haircut from Teresa Great Lakes hairstyling salon, so be sure to submit your answers to those video magazine or any of the appropriate Tulsa live stream email/phone numbers and we will get Derek Archuleta out here to perform for you guys now. So thank you guys again will be back after the break all right. Thank you Derek for that always pleasure have here on the program. We are going to get stage cleared off and get Jesse out here for his interview and directly after that we will have Derek Archuleta and his interview with me is interesting stuff I have never been interviewed before so this will be interesting to hear. This will be back here in a couple minutes don't do yet purvey yes I caught it before it happened. I do want to go ahead and give are you holding onto it. If you move your mouse offish and all right I was can go ahead and do the clue yes that is what I wanted to do something going give out the next clue for the sponsor giveaway. If you have been paying attention. That is a 20% discount haircut and you can redeem that at Great Lakes Harry's hair hairstyling salon with tree Sanchez next clue is there are circles involved. I got think that's the seventh clue so I can hear that those having other 70 things they know it is will be back in five minutes ride hello and welcome back to the Tulsa live stream. We have here Jesse David our first performance. His first performance on the Tulsa live stream was this evening and as part of our new program as part of this years addition to the program. We decided start doing some interviews and so yeah that's what were doing right now so low there good certain welcome to the show Gabriel on doing pretty good so we just want to Assem you know some general questions about really just your musical career, how you got started things like that so so wage get started Houde. How did all this happen to where you are today will is like most people loosing a cowboy servicing in church was four years old will little kids grew cold preachers piles that all we used to sing on Sunday nights before the service started and then from their school choir of through Belton middle school and then my freshman and sophomore years and then circling the Toros 13 all started writing songs about 16 syrup my gospel song singing in church and stuff the lid worship in churches throughout my 20s home and really so taken my personal musics serious about for five years ago home so subs moved to Tulsa from Georgia and all where I was the lesser of the semi finalist for Miller's year for the Georgia country rewards all so shut up. My buddy Levi Moore who one that pretty, pretty awesome, singer-songwriter himself you this pretty much will you bring them here one day be cool because both thing and out together. So this your first performance here the show what he thought. So far, how was your experience here is a love phone school to assure the space with other talented musicians all cooled of William been live on the radio itself, but also like Facebook love videos or anything. This is my first time do anything on the inner Wilms so sprinkle experiencing unduly glad to hear that. So what what actually got you to be on the show gadget had you figured out or what happened will I just the place just moved here back in November took a couple months to get situated them a new day job and no situated in the area get moved in the hell some unpacking and everything and then the slogan started not like opening up in open mics and stuff in Tulsa and starting to build relationships with the other looking musicians and stuff and all. So part of that was the mega Facebook posting a bunch of different local groups musicians in Tulsa and all you actually submit email universes it was me. That's it. That's always good to hear. Yes, we we trying get musicians on the program so we can reach out and so what kind of advice would you give to someone who's maybe on the fence of performing green and it depends on whether on the fence. Guess if you're something that I've had a lot of people tell me issues they've had won't get up on stage is being nervous or butterflies or scared would being judged what people are thinking of what fellow young musicians and so visit the thing is people when I listen to you than won't authenticity and it doesn't matter what people think when you're playing. If you're putting yourself out there in front of people and your home on your heart and soul is the thing. This is being a singer musician in general you're up in front of people literally point out your heart and soul to people you're telling right songs were there law might not necessarily be all about biographical but their close you put in your own heartaches your own experiences out there takes a lot of balls to do and and so basically what I tell young people figure any other musicians on the fences get there and and do your thing. Be yourself. Don't worry about what other people think. I used open must shows with the Tel Aviv unite. I'm just David procedural coming out and sing some country music for you if you like it great if not scree so you notice the mentality that you have to go to somebody out there is good big what you off so I know you going been here once but like what is this place mean to you as a musician. I think it's a really coy Avenue home to to put people out there knows a lot of us the X11 really started digging out in Tulsa yet, but you know you claimant blood different places and sometimes it's hard to together following you play all over the place specially replaying universal solo shows the DeBoer people Mondavi listening and you know little don't care, but there might be a few people find you and the like Facebook page or stream whatever tick-tock whatever and fall. You know fund website by your T-shirts selenite which by the way Facebook page. Jesse David asserted Jesse David official link somewhere on those you going about just David T-shirts greatly appreciate if you did that I will make any money off of, but the buddy Leinbach Georgia makes him forming a pretty much the majority of the problem. I get like maybe $0.50 a T-shirts on like that but I don't do that for the minutest tilt his T-shirt business outcry. It is also link on the musicians page. If you go to Jesse's profile that has all that information on it to so you to his Facebook page up which is also linked in his profile or that information can be found on the profile pages well reasserts the Mrs. The cool Avenue to have lived all of the country moving around for my day job and stuff is the first time that abandonware is been something like this may not settle like you know in Memphis Liggett did ETV you know Austin. There's also limits Maged Konica. This is also limits back in the 70s when it started limning that you know it's going been around couple years of Mentone were the future could rathole you know mean ACL sorted in the tiny little room grew into what it is now known Tulsa, such a hotspot for you know all kinds of music but especially red dirt cowriting self nuts export all you moved out here is because that would mean others. This is cool Malbec also develop into something fewer this really cool to think that just exit just any opportunity give the musician that Mina berated perform in front of people, right yelling, do this is awkward you doing front of the camera, but it was less awkward than the times of done live radio right okay so it's it's all right, just like playing in the room you know switches: people you see you get comfortable. Maybe they gain some confidence Hayes somebody commented on this lagoon. Maybe I can do this that's cool yeah that's that's called here that's been a big thing that a lot of musicians have been on. Here's just a confidence booster and so it's good to hear that it's it's still that way. So pretty much gone over everything that I had for you give any questions for anybody or me or not so I really appreciate the opportunity know have me out for doing this again hopefully y'all out there in Internet land. So what I did and enjoyed what I did and if you did great. If not scree I will really appreciate you for coming out here performing on the show where you get Derek Archuleta to come out here. If you don't mind his hander Mike on arts, we have Derek Archuleta here and I he's told me that he's you doing this for school project right right sees trying to interview not trying his successfully doing this he's going to interview me and I'm to skin a cat give him the mic quite literally, and let them go for it Ugo hello my name is Derek Archuleta I'm here with the host of Tulsa video. I we will be going through a few questions with him tonight already listed, Gabe Tulsa live gave go ahead and address yourself. Okay hello there my name is Gabe on the host of the Tulsa live stream program been doing this for about 2 1/2 year that right hundred 24 episodes. So two years in a couple months of the so why not toss what is Tulsa live stream. What is Tulsa lashing well slashing as a platform that kind of developed itself out of necessity. We we approached musician that we found in October 2018 right 19 yet 1920 in 2019. There is this musician playing at a restaurant and I we approached him and were just asking them hey what what you need as musician here in the Tulsa area and so we got to talking with him. Spent about two or three months discussing like what his really just what he couldn't accomplish on his own. I hear the Tulsa area and so using those conversations and just discussing and spending a lot of time with him. We decided that the biggest thing that musician needs is some kind of video production and so they would typically have to pay studios a very large sum to accomplish that and so we recognize that this particular musician. He was living out of his car at the time and so obviously money was a little tight for and so we we decided we we really talk to him about how involved he was in creating his own music and we decided that he's putting in at least as much effort and time into creating the music that we would creating videos for the music and so we felt it's a very good relationship that we could build with with a musician by creating video and they would be creating the entertainment aspect and since we the time were video content creators for local businesses. We Artie had the studio set up to create videos and so we just talked with the musician. We decided that it would be a pretty good relationship to create the videos for him and he would create the music and we would just let it be a mutual beneficial relationship and if all of our you know overhead costs were covered that we could figure out how to be able to eventually down the road pay for performances and so we can't develop this idea of a very mutual relationship with musicians and so far we've had like 215 or so musicians that it felt the same way so yeah that's all right now. So that's all bit of why you started, but what some that I keep you guys going till this day all over two years later. Well, me personally as host the show. I get to meet new people every single week and so that alone for me has been a driving force of like there's so many not just talented but interesting people that live in Tulsa and they they all have a similar desire to take what they believe inputted into this musical genre and then I get the awesome opportunity to capture it and then Mike is my passion was in video already and so I got enjoy creating content that way and so once we've goes back to that relationship that that I was saying is is I feel like I'm really helping the musicians and so for me that's that's a calling that I feel like I should work through and and perform so yeah I I am just really excited that I get to help musicians and build relationships with people. I'm very social creature and so the social aspect as well as I get to perform a job that I enjoy is what really keeps us going keeps me going through program. So there's no sign of you guys slowing down anytime soon with you guys still getting Dryvit inspired you have any future plans for Tulsa video magazine well the future plans are to improve the quality of our productions and then hopefully create space to where we can have a larger group come in and make it a little more comfortable comfortable for them little tight on space at the moment and so plans for the future is just to be creating that additional space and then maybe hiring a couple people to run some of the jobs that I have to do other than be be the host. That way we can make things a little more smooth and be able to accommodate maybe some higher end musicians that are from the Tulsa area and what that would do other than you know make me excited is that I would bring a new fan base because the way that Tulsa live stream works is we we grab a musician say look and we want you to perform on this program. The only really backend work that we need to do is share this link to your current fans and so when that happens, we've now created this connection between not only the three musicians that are performed but also any fans that we've generated as a program are now going to be able to be tied to that new musician and so this just this big connection of social interaction with the musicians and so we were able to get some higher or I would say higher and I would say more known musicians to come onto the program then we would be able to share their for fan base with the rest of musicians that performed here and so again back. That's the whole idea yeah be really cool fair Clapton wanted show up and I you know Gibson guitar lessons dowdy fantastic aircraft. If you're watching also need so landscape growing, inspiring, achieving our goals for here. Have you learned any lessons from doing this. I would say the biggest lesson that I've learned is from my technical advisor crew and I that's always makes even if it's not something that's what I would say better just change something like if say you're a musician giving example if if you're musician and I you going to perform out on the stage and your performance is the exact same everything will time will first off, people notice that and then second off, I feel like that's kind of a little bit of a put off to a certain degree and so when when you come out here and you make a subtle slight change. People also notice that and I think that's a better reaction when somebody does that. Then if things are always the same every time and so with video production in the way that we run the program. We Tryon at the very least make a change to every program as a interest builder it it continues to get people interested in the program and that's something I've had to adapt to because video production for me was always very straightforward. I need to do this to this business and it's very easily transferred to this business and to this business and so on and so forth throughout the business realm because this is a structured very similarly throughout all different kinds of business and so for me that the biggest thing has been how do I adapt the show forwards and keep people interested in watching the program so it's obvious to me that local music and musicians mean a lot to but what is something that really makes passion about the local scene in passionate about the local scene. Well that's an interesting question to me that the local scene is the people right so social social interaction Congress back to one of my other answers your question earlier that it to me that is the most interesting part about the scene is the different kinds of people in like Jesse said during his interview there's a lot of a lot of people that pass through Tulsa so there's a lot of different and even from Colorado like we've had some becoming from Colorado we had somebody who came in from California. They happen to be here for a day or two and we got to meet those people on the program they got perform once in Sosa's like we are me getting being able to meet those people is is yeah that's that's it is social interaction was an amazing what about connections and this me more more people like-minded like that you have any other products that you plan to do in the future. We have a very very good idea in my opinion of how to make this a little bit more entertaining for people and we really want to at some point open the studio aspect of what we do into a more venue like setting like a bar or a caf� or something along those lines where we can have people as a live audience, as well as a project everything that were doing on virtually and that way we can give people an opportunity to come in here and support the musicians who want to meet in person and I experience the scene that way an opportunity to do so with totalizing program so I'll have a couple questions left for you. So after watching tons. These people have any of your favorites who okay seller one for our favorites is an interesting question because favorites can mean a lot of things to me and there's of course there's different categories that I can say is favorite right and so my favorite character that is been on the program is joules jewels. Unfortunately I'm not jewels is a fantastic individual and she does not give any care about anybody about what they say about what they think is has no relevancy whatsoever. She came here in performed and I did. I don't mean that her performance was. I don't mean this negatively jewels you're watching your performance was so funny that I did not stop laughing the whole time she was here and it wasn't that like yeah just how she. She was a performer and she really did performing on the stage but she's not the highest quality senior she's not the highest quality dancer if you woke she danced during forms, but it was all just so is it was so good I just I just don't how to explain other than it was. It was awesome problems big personality and passion really drive somebody's if there lacking a little bit certain areas like I love to see somebody just for hardly put all they haven't something yeah and she's she made her own words, she actually had somebody random newsbreak. I think the struggle ended up guitar in for in the background and it was yeah that I think that's how Ashley met the struggle was during that show Jesus just like Katie want to play guitar for me and she was like a play this kind of a song and then she just sung whatever word she had to it and uses is so entertaining. So that would be my favorite performer as far as my favorites as far as music is concerned, I'm really I'm really weird like techno. We dubstep kind of a person and the closest person to that's actually was in the studio. This evening Sal Jennings and I think that his music is probably the weirdest music I've ever heard. That's a made it so interesting to me and so like favorite original work. I think he he wins it in that respect. And then if I had to take just like they were great performer. They had great music you their own original work things along those lines yeah I was. I was really thinking Bubba Bubba blues had his his first performance. If you watch his first performances I episode 32 or something and in his last performances like episode hundred and 18 and 19 or so you will see a massive change in how we started to where he is now. And even when he was in his beginning stages of being on the program. His music and his performance his character. It was assault on point and he hasn't really wavered from that he's just continued to improve in all of the categories and I really think if he had a band backing them up that he would be they would be one of the more better bluesy bands here and in Tulsa. I went out to polygraphy all out one over the Tulsa gray local act. So, do you have any announcements you like to make regarding Tulsa live stream sent well-baby care now. I mean other then you just RNR intentional plans to increase the space. We always use help with their funding of course but you know finding finding the space and getting the money for their almost equally difficult. So just in any equipment is always always a big help to the program. We run through cords daily so just announcement Wise's hey you were always were always on the lookout for new acts new talents if you're connected to anybody who's famous. It would always help you as well as that person to make new connections and so I would love to have you in and this is why get up in the morning. Will gave a want they throw I'm interview and this was Gabriel Sanchez from Tulsa live stream. You can reach out to more water stream on their website, Facebook, YouTube very much anywhere strew all of those things are very true and we always love having Derek Archuleta here on the program. I've also seen an improvement in your performances as well and I really hope really hope that you can find some like-minded individuals and create a band because always love even even the people that you do have broad in here in the past is not like the airport performers and anyway, just maybe not as passionate as you would like for them to be and so I really wish that upon you and I hope we can help your compass and future. Oh, thank all it's rapid up here. Thank you again Gabe for come out tonight and an interview. I guess although I coming out why were gonna rabbit up guys. Thanks again. This is episode number 122 on the Tulsa live stream program appreciate you Derek for having the interview with me always honor to be interviewed so we really appreciate that and we will see you guys next week for another Tulsa live stream program. They guessing good night