Musician Interview And Performance Ep. 121
Local Music From Musicians And Interivew With Chuk Lee Cooley - T.L.S. Episode 121
Artist start times are listed below.
- Chuk Lee Cooley #89 - Start Time - 0:2:30
- Kevin Jameson Music #27 - Start Time - 0:38:34
- Stormy Daniel #101 - Start Time - 0:54:56
- Krash Love #6 - Start Time - 1:11:55

As Always tune in on the tulsalivestream main web site page for another exciting episode of the Tulsa Live Stream every Thursday starting at 8:30pm.
Interested in supporting your local music scene, feel free to click the tip jar at the bottom of the screen and donate to the Tulsa Live Stream. We split the donations from this video 50-50 while musicians are not live. But while they are performing live on the Tulsa Live Stream show we spit them 80-20.
Tulsa Live Music Stream Episode 121 Transcipt From Host Gabe
All right hello everyone and welcome back to the Tulsa live stream thank you guys so much for joining us once again. This evening we have a returning musician that has not been here for quite some time, very excited to have Cory Lee back this evening greatly will be followed by Jeffrey affiance and then miles music will be closing out the show for us tonight. Have you haven't been paying attention. We are doing a giveaway this month trees from Great Lakes hairstyling salon has decided to sponsor this giveaway's you can get a 20% discount for you next haircut. If you can guess this riddled now. I've already distributed three clues. So today will be our fourth clue and I will be doing that at some point during the evening. So you have to tune in and stay tuned in you want to win that giveaway of the other three clues can be found two of them can be found in episode 119 as you can watch that hidden somewhere in there I give you a hint, though there's one at the end there's another one somewhere throughout that one and then the third hint that we've given out so far can be found on nebular lands episode 13 so if you're interested in. Try to put all these clues together to guess what the riddle is then you yachts check out those episodes and tonight again OB presenting another clue for you all. This is going to be kind of compiling nobody guesses the answer for this month the discount will travel on over to next month and the winner of next month will win to sponsor giveaways so yeah if you know the answer. Maybe then you can wait for next month and maybe you can get both of them instead leave that up to you anyway again wearers so happy to be here this evening. If you're interested in any of these musicians. We have profile pages created for all of them you can find that on the musicians list somewhere on the Tulsa live stream website as a button for that is always a button for that anyway first forgot Gourley, welcome back give the next clue now. Okay for Clouseau far this is archway. This is our fourth closer for we are now at the number four on the clue scale your clue is this is in Tulsa right right all right so you want to know the other three clues again. You can check out episode 119 of the Tulsa live stream and nebular lands episode 13 to figure out what those clues were putting them all together get you a discount 20% offer haircut from Treece at Great Lakes hairstyling slot next up we've got Jeffrey affiance going clear the stage here get him ready and don't forget to tune in for miles performance just after Jeffrey so thank you guys again and will be back here with Jeffrey so much for tuning in once again, this evening have you missed the clue I just gave it about five minutes go roughly you can check that back out if you just jump back minutes. That's the giveaway this month is for great links hairstyling salon tree Sanchez given you 20% discount on haircut so you can deftly when not all you do is guess or accurately state what the answer to the riddle is and when that giveaway. So thanks to Trish Grayling terracing salon for sponsoring this giveaway this month up next we got Jeffrey fines are you ready, good sir override welcome to the stage Jeffrey override thank you Jeffrey fines for that performance was a pleasure to have you here at the studio. Disclaimer the views that are expressed of this program are not necessarily the views that are brought you by the Tulsa live stream of the Tulsa video magazine that you guys will or maybe they are we to know that you guys again so much for watching working to get miles music to come out here perform you guys thank you again for tuning into the Tulsa live stream. If you miss the clue for the giveaway after we produce the program episode 120 you guys can check out that clue. It's near the beginning don't forget they compound yes. So if the giveaway does not happen this month it will move to next month, as well as we will be adding an additional giveaway for next month and also all of the clues you can check them out on episode 119 and nebular lands episode 13 all of those episodes can be found on the Tulsa live stream website you just have to do a little bit of Degen so anyway, we clear the stage here and get miles music out here to perform. Thank you guys again for watching all right. Thank you miles music always a pleasure to have you here on the program. Thank you to Jeffrey and Corey for also performing this evening at this is going to conclude tonight's episode of Tulsa live stream. This is episode number 120 so thank you guys again for tuning in watching the program. If you're interested in helping any of these musicians out there is a donate button at the bottom of the stream that you can click on many different means of donation through their we take crypto we take Benbow PayPal cash Lots of different things to help these guys out. If you didn't know some of them have have a very low standard of living and they they rely heavily on donations through their performances. So if you are interested all you need to do is leave their name or their musician number on the Tulsa live stream in that description all of the methods that you can pay through have a message if you will that you can send to us and we will push those funds right on over to the musicians will have any problem with that. So feel free to leave a musicians name or number in there and will get them moved over to them because that's what that's the reason why donate right. If you do donate us. We all of the equipment that we allow the musicians to use year has been donated to us so we would not be here. Currently if with with not for the donations that we received as we can't thank you enough for being a part of the program and sponsoring us that way and again thank you to all of the sponsors who have decided to sponsor the program financially instead of just equipment so again we would be here if we can keep the lights on so special thanks all of them as well and we will see you guys next week for another show. If you are interested in finding out the next clue. I will be releasing another clue on nebular lands performance next week at noon 30-ish that is Wednesday and yeah so you can try and guess the riddle and get that giveaway anyway will see you guys next week