Tulsa Live Stream Music Program Ep. 119
2 Years And Counting of Tulsa, Local Musicians - T.L.S. Episode 119
Artist start times are listed below.
- Bubba Blues #28 - Start Time - 0:3:15
- The Struggle #86 - Start Time - 0:34:5
- Derek Archuleta #52 - Start Time - 1:9:5
- Karen Lynn Gregg #16 - Start Time - 1:41:15
- Jesse Weaver #126 - Start Time - 1:41:15

As Always tune in on the tulsalivestream main web site page for another exciting episode of the Tulsa Live Stream every Thursday starting at 8:30pm.
Interested in supporting your local music scene, feel free to click the tip jar at the bottom of the screen and donate to the Tulsa Live Stream. We split the donations from this video 50-50 while musicians are not live. But while they are performing live on the Tulsa Live Stream show we spit them 80-20.
Tulsa Live Music Stream Episode 119 Transcipt From Host Gabe
All right a happy new year everyone and welcome to Tulsa live stream in the year 2022. Would you guys much for joining us once again. This evening returning artist Mr. Tulsa will be followed by Ray, the struggle feels followed by Derek Archuleta and groovy qualifying maybe a surprise. Yes you so that you here with us this evening we are going to start something new here in the year 2022 on the Tulsa live stream. We feel like in our sponsors agree that we should be giving the musicians something a little bit more than just slot here on the Tulsa life. We are actually going to be giving you guys all throughout we each week you will have a single 15 minute opportunity to redeem those hints to the form of a sponsorship primal this week's prize is a 20% off 40 40 1/5 yes 20% discount I haircut from Drees that greatly hairstyling salon your first hint I will be revealing to Jerry after no sometime in between 9 o'clock and 10 a clock on this evening show stated that first begun but was Tulsa show Bubba blues of Tulsa. I think that is the first time Bubba has miniatures performance standing the whole duration so a congratulations to bugaboo the Tulsa Megan after their little happening all right next up we got Ray the struggle feels that you for you here on the Tulsa live stream tuning here in about five minutes and check out this awesome sponsorship commercial break. We would be able to do this without a musicians you see performing every week and be the sponsors who help us once so thank you guys so much will be back with Ray struggle, you all right. Thank you struggle and if you didn't know struggle has a zone not repair shop. So you got check that out. If you have any car issues I give him a call because he's awesome and hey, I called him and he did the thing with my door and back together now and I actually got the pleasure of watching him do this and let me tell you it was a struggle. I took it apart and got the pleasure of watching somebody else put back together and I was fun on my hands but it was definitely interesting hearts so you don't have to. I am the struggle so you don't have to you go he's the struggle so you don't have to so anyway we got Derek Archuleta up next. Thank you struggle thank you Bubba blues for that first performance and if you haven't heard yet. I will be releasing our first hint for our sponsorship prize which again is a 20% off discount for haircut at Great Lakes hairstyling salon from tree sentients. So Stayton for that you can submit your answers to 539-777-0114 or just hit me up at Tulsa video magazine or email at tulsa@tulsalivestream.com and I will let you know if you have one that prize. We will be if nobody answers the prize by next week I will be adding that prize onto whatever net next week's prize is so yeah these can compound all the way up to. Well technically I guess infinity but the answers in my opinion are relatively simple. My hands however will be very vague so Stayton for that that will be happening before 10 PM so were on time so you Stayton for that anyway up next to got Derek Archuleta Serena clear the stage and get him out here. Thanks again override welcome back to the Tulsa live stream Derek would you mind giving me just like a little bit of like stuff I so as we previously knew this live is so you guys a hand to answer your is given to you. This moment is a location and there you have and that is for this meeting. Correct there is greatly salon tree Sanchez please only be accepting person answering more than that for today I will not I will respond to you. I will tell you whether interact the moment in which to me but your mother to this one. I little I will give you an additional on the nose live on Wednesday whole right thank you Derek Archuleta for that. The newest one rock on so I can say really this evening. If case you missed the hands this program will be laid 20 4/7 you can check out the two the clue to the answer to all that stuff due the 20% discount at Great Lakes on trees Sanchez check that out next up we have a mystery performer and hopefully they will be here shortly. I will take a five minute break and then we will see if there they are, we will continue on the show. If they're not, I will close up show that so will see guys environments all right. Thank you guys so much for tuning in here on the Tulsa live stream. For those of you who stuck around me to give you an extra special hint done tonight's clue the ceiling at this location is vast anyway thank you guys again so much for tuning in that is going to conclude tonight's episode of the Tulsa live stream thank you to the struggle Bubba blues of Tulsa and Derek Archuleta for making it out here this evening and performing for you guys. Thank you to all of our sponsors. Thank you to trees from Great Lakes hairstyling salon for sponsoring this first what you, what would you call this this this giveaway that you go sponsoring this giveaway we would be able to do this without sponsors about the musicians so we look forward doing this for you guys next week. If you miss the show tune in Thursday evenings at 8:30 PM to see the live portion of the show and then of course you can always check our archive on Tulsa live stream.com to see all of the past performances. If you're interested in seeing any of the musicians that were on the program they have their own profile on the Tulsa live stream.com website that also has all of their performances right there next to them all you do is tap on one of the icons of the musicians and pouf all of their performances show up for you guys so yeah check that out form. If you feel like donating to them you can and will see you guys here in next week alrighty are mystery guest actually showed up just now. She has not been here since episode 56 and technically she wasn't here on episode 56 either because that was our one year anniversary and it was out at the Riverwalk in Jinks so yeah the something you were there, but you weren't here at the show. The program studio, but we are interested in having miss Karen back on the show. Did you know trying to get on Tulsa live stream since the first show I've been bugging him about Emma backgammon was a two years later I finally got them. So he's here, he's a diva any slows that's why relate but you'll see why I call them great value Keith urban and you'll see why to parents. I will we are going to close curtains and we will open the backup when ready, yes, yes, thank you for having last-minute got on stage so back I miss you guys yet. Okay, sir exec right all right so thank you again. This was Karen and Jesse Rivers all right just Karen thank you guys so much for right performance here this evening for the moment, really, they were here program. I we hope to have the town those so when so again. This was the conclusion is 119 Tulsa live stream something both think it all the other musicians. This evening will produce this and you guys by tomorrow evening, but not if you're interested in checking out 119 guys will see next