Thursday Live Music Program Ep. 113
2 Years And Counting of Tulsa, Local Musicians - T.L.S. Episode 113
Artist start times are listed below.
- Doug #14 - Start Time - 0:2:30
- Bubba Blues #28 - Start Time - 0:40:21
- Derek Archuleta #52 - Start Time - 1:17:59
- The Struggle #86 - Start Time - 1:42:13
- Jay CeePee #97 - Start Time - 2:9:40

As Always tune in on the tulsalivestream main web site page for another exciting episode of the Tulsa Live Stream every Thursday starting at 8:30pm.
Interested in supporting your local music scene, feel free to click the tip jar at the bottom of the screen and donate to the Tulsa Live Stream. We split the donations from this video 50-50 while musicians are not live. But while they are performing live on the Tulsa Live Stream show we spit them 80-20.
Tulsa Live Music Stream Episode 113 Transcipt From Host Gabe
All right hello everyone and welcome back to the Tulsa live stream thank you guys so much for tuning in this evening. This is our Thanksgiving day live stream is episode number 113 and due to Thursday being a holiday during the month of November. We decide to do some pre-recording with all of musicians that way everybody can have a nice Thanksgiving day off, but we still have a show Toronto this be running all day Thursday and I we've got five musicians lined up for you, as well as the chain breaker's program that will be running all day Thursday of this week so I thank you guys again we have Doug Russell Bubba blues of Tulsa JCP Ray the struggle fields and Derek Archuleta all that have decided to come in early and do a recording of their performance that would normally be happening on Thursday evening. So stay tuned for all of that first upward you have Doug Russell so he's can be our first performer for the evening, very excited to have him he's got some very easy listening music to go through. If you're interested in donating to any of these musicians. There is a method to do so. There is a donation button at the bottom of the stream that you can click on you're not watching on Tulsa live you will not find that button so I encourage you to go there now. Also there are interaction buttons that exist on the Tulsa live stream platform that you guys can utilize and those are recorded and shown to the musicians while there live. Obviously, this week it's going to be a little bit different, but they can see those once they go back and review their own episode. They can see how may times that you've click the like or the heart button and so it's always nice to see whenever they get time to go back and look at their performances. How many people have liked and watched their program so yeah deftly I checked out on the Tulsa live the first upward have Doug Russell alrighty thank you to all the musicians you've made it out here this evening. Again, we wouldn't have a show it weren't for the dedication in the talent and the time that all these musicians put in each week at to help us come up with the two hour program. It's very very intense work here at the Tulsa live stream studio we've heard that this is quite possibly the hardest show that any musician has come in here and actually had to play simply because of the how quickly they have to come in and out of the stage they only have a set amount of time that they're allowed to play and most of the time they've got breaks in between each song and there's this this is nonstop there's not really an audience to play for except for a couple of us here in the studio so it's very just a whole different world and very different for each musician. So if you do feel like donating to any of them. Feel free to leave that at the donation button at the bottom of the stream. We would appreciate it, as well as another musicians would appreciate it. Most of the equipment that we have available for the musicians has been donated to us in the past and I would so very thankful that we're still able to do this throughout the past two years and we hope to continue to do it into the foreseeable future. So if you're interested yourself and playing on the Tulsa live stream program. We would love to have you, etc. very simple to sign up with us. We just need a brief interview and I maybe explain a little bit about your music to us and then we build your profile and every time that you come here. Your performances are then added to your profile it's very very helpful to musicians who want to project their works out. I don't really have a means of capturing the video and doing it themselves. So definitely contact me if you're interested in those things. Also, we are starting our Christmas specials starting tomorrow. While technically the day after Thanksgiving. So if you're interested in performing some Christmas music and maybe you've have a favorite Christmas song that you've made your own or you just have so covers that you would like to performer. Maybe you have your own Christmas music that you've created a that you want to perform here on the Tulsa live stream program will very interested in all that there is a sign up page that we ask you to go through you can find that in one of the little icon boxes on the Tulsa live stream website and we love to have you and were looking forward to all the Christmas music that we can come up with in the month of December and will be playing that throughout the month of December so the early you get here. The more times that your music will get played throughout the duration so thanks again. Happy Thanksgiving and I will see you guys next week for another Tulsa live stream episode