Thursday Live Music Program Ep. 112
2 Years And Counting of Tulsa, Local Musicians - T.L.S. Episode 112
Artist start times are listed below.
- Briegade #119 - Start Time - 0:2:30
- Bubba Blues #28 - Start Time - 1:13:57
As Always tune in on the tulsalivestream main web site page for another exciting episode of the Tulsa Live Stream every Thursday starting at 8:30pm.
Interested in supporting your local music scene, feel free to click the tip jar at the bottom of the screen and donate to the Tulsa Live Stream. We split the donations from this video 50-50 while musicians are not live. But while they are performing live on the Tulsa Live Stream show we spit them 80-20.
Tulsa Live Music Stream Episode 112 Transcipt From Host Gabe
All righty hello everyone and welcome back to the Tulsa live stream thank you guys so much for joining us once again this evening. As you can see we have a new band here to perform with us this evening. Called brigade. Yes, very excited to have them here after this we will have Bubba blues to close out the show. If you're not watching on Tulsa live encourage you to go there now and that's where you can interact with the musicians while there performing with the hearts and found button. We are also announcing our Christmas special that we will be running after Thanksgiving and if you like to participate in that you have your original version of a Christmas song or have your own Christmas song you like perform. Feel free to contact us. There actually is a sign up page that you can submit to us and and will get you on the show. I will be running that for the month of December. So yeah, very excited about that as well. We did this last year were trying to make a little bit more formal this year so yeah you're interested in that checkup sign-up pages on the homepage is little button on the side or you can check that out but yeah if you're in sitting donating to any the musicians while there here performing. There is a donate button at the bottom of the video that you're watching right now you can click on that and donate specifically to the musicians whether here or you can donate to the Tulsa live stream. Most of the equipment that we have that we provide to the musicians has been donated to us were very thankful to all of our sponsors and donators in the past, we would be here without you and we definitely would be here without the musicians they come here each week so yeah enjoy alrighty so you guys just want to, such are instruments down wherever you can. I want to do something we haven't really done on the show before want to get just everybody grouped together makes it really easy for us to make our little thumbnails later because make that out of the show so yeah if you would because when mind is group and all appetite together as you can yeah that would be great disconnect over here for just a second. I think you are to the brigade crew, we wouldn't have a show without you guys have you would mind to sliding just keep going keep going there we go out yeah Akamai gonna very you are had so anyway will thank you guys so much for being here for the first time on the show. I we hope that we can maybe make some more space to accommodate you guys next time and maybe we can have you back sometime soon. Okay. Thank you guys. If you would mind is going that jumpoff stage formula go ahead and get is ready for Bubba blues. Don't worry about anything right now during our break will figure out how to get rid of as much as we can before Bubba gets out here alrighty. Thank you again, everyone for tuning into the Tulsa live stream of those are first act of the program the brigade crew very very entertaining to have them all here this evening. They were rocking out everybody on backstage Bob in their head the whole time is really cool. Very think they were the first real rock band that we had on here so very excited to have them here on the program that is you conclude the first part of our program Bubba blues is gonna be up next. If you would please give us a little bit of extra time past the five minutes to get Bubba out here. We would really appreciate that above is good to go and close out the show for since it's almost 10 o'clock conclude the show about 1030 as usual usual so they you guys again for tuning thank you for all the hearts and interactions while brigade was out here. They again they get to see that during the show, such really cool to to gaze up at the little monitor that we have set up for everybody as though they can see those interactions live while there out here performing really does give them some encouragement and a helps him perform at their peak throughout the duration of the show so thank you guys again will be back in a couple minutes with Bubba blues of Tulsa will appreciate you coming show horses evening all the musicians you can hear the brigade they were very very enjoyable that we could accommodate to the best of our abilities. If you're listening to Bubba blues or they brigade crew that program will be produced. Most likely tomorrow is I will say the Monday will be produces. Thank you. All appearances want donating or checking out the musicians were up 218 performers on the program. Now you want to check out any of those musicians list page their fine although performances the each musician or musical group on the show simply by their icon their profile sphere wearing even if you go to a musicians profile while you're on the Tulsa life program so anyway conclude this is the 112 episode of the Tulsa live stream thank you all participating musicians that you no longer here without a musicians sponsors and of course you the on we really appreciate everything. I'm so that I get to come here every we meet new people one and then want program is so thank you all again see next week for another.