Talented Local Musicians Ep. 110
2 Years And Counting of Tulsa, Local Musicians - T.L.S. Episode 110
Artist start times are listed below.
- Tulsa Dave #117 - Start Time - 0:2:30
- Doug #14 - Start Time - 0:39:50
- Charlie Jordan #11 - Start Time - 1:17:5
- Jaymack #116 - Start Time - 1:33:32
- Jimbo #118 - Start Time - 1:39:26

As Always tune in on the tulsalivestream main web site page for another exciting episode of the Tulsa Live Stream every Thursday starting at 8:30pm.
Interested in supporting your local music scene, feel free to click the tip jar at the bottom of the screen and donate to the Tulsa Live Stream. We split the donations from this video 50-50 while musicians are not live. But while they are performing live on the Tulsa Live Stream show we spit them 80-20.
Tulsa Live Music Stream Episode 110 Transcipt From Host Gabe
Alrighty. Thank you guys so much for joining us once again on the Tulsa live stream. This is our 110 episode we've been doing this for 110 weeks just just over two years. So thank you guys are being a part of it so far and this I believe is our hundred and 16th musician that we added to the program is still staying ahead of one musician per episode. So obviously there's a lot of people in Tulsa like music at least like for and so where were super excited be able to bring that to you guys every week. As you can see here. We do have a new musician. This is Tulsa Dave were super excited to have him here got to herein doing as little warm up before you got here in this 12 string just just sounds like it singing very, very entertaining, very excited for that next up working have Doug Russell perform for us. We had a little special thing with Doug this week since he's in a be playing in the Renaissance Festival. I believe in Milwaukee Friday, Saturday and Sunday so he's actually not going to technically be here, but he's in a be here for you guys perform once again on the show and then to close out the show would have Charlie Jordan and his friend that he brought last week. Jay Mack is his performance name. So stay tuned for all of that again. Thank you guys for joining us. If you're not on Tulsa live stream.com. I encourage you to go there now that is the best way to interact musicians whether performing there's a heart and thumb button that you guys can push that is recorded on the program so yeah check that out on Tulsa live stream.com. If you're interested in any of the musicians any of their past performances urged just learning a little bit more about musicians who have performed in the past you can go to the musicians page on our website you can see all of the musicians as well as all of their performances just by tapping on one of the musicians icons located on page all right. Thank you guys again for joining us this Tulsa was Tulsa. Dave's first performance with the so we really pretty for your for the first time yeah we hope to have you back sometime soon. If you are interested. There is a donate button you can donate specifically to a musician simply by putting their name or musician number which you can see right there Tulsa Dave 117 and yet just put that in the comment section. We have several different ways you guys can donate. There is an option even if you're interested to do it through crypto currency which yeah awesome stuff. There you have to get a hold of us and we can show you how to do all of that. If that's what you're interested in again. Thank you guys for all of the interactions of the hearts I we've been noticing all of all of you guys there watching this evening. It's always it's really cool because the musicians out here can see those interactions while they're happening live as so any time that you click that heart doesn't just happen on your screen. It happens on our screen and we can see that so it's really cool to see that while the musicians are performance a keep that up and if you would like to donate anything to the Tulsa live stream itself then you guys can do that as well. I we do take yeah hear me out here that we take core donations that we have a lot of need for my cables even quarter-inch cables very helpful in the studio here pretty much everything that you see that is not owned by the musicians has been donated to the program so we really appreciate all of our sponsors and everybody who is donated in the past I we would be here without you guys we wouldn't be here without the musicians so I we also do advertising for businesses. I've that something that you're interested in. In fact, if you wait 30 seconds you'll see all of our sponsorship commercials and advertising that we do for those businesses we'd love to help your business out in any way shape or form to the advertising realm. We do it through the Internet through social media through pretty much anything that has to do with with the online presence. If you will of businesses that we would really appreciate that. If you if that's what your business needs and also if you incident hiring any of the musicians for your venue party event whatever that may be feel free to either contact Tulsa video magazine or again go to the musicians profile page. There you can see their performances get some information about them and most 99% of them have contact information available to you on that page and seeing get a hold of them, directly or you can book them through us. We do that is kind of gratuity for all the musicians that performed here on the program. So Thank you guys again will be back here in a couple minutes with Doug Russell alrighty thank you everyone for tuning in once again on the Tulsa live stream that is going to conclude tonight's episode. Thank you to all the musicians you made it out here this evening Charlie random guy picked up guitarist the street, Jay Mack, Doug and Tulsa Dave Gooden have a show without you guys. Thank you again we will be live next Thursday evening at 8:30 PM so tune in. Then if you'd like to see some new local live music from musicians here in the Tulsa area. We also have her 24 seven program. If you're just looking for some music to listen to during the week while really during the any time because were were live all the time so yeah continue Tulsa live stream and check that out anytime it's just on the main website page you can check that out. Thank you guys again will see next week