2 Years Straight of Tulsa Musicians Being Awesome Ep. 104
2 Years In A Row of Tulsa Music Weekly - T.L.S. Episode 104
Artist start times are listed below.
- Christophe and The Love Donations #112 - Start Time - 0:2:30
- Miles Music #34 - Start Time - 1:2:45
As Always tune in on the tulsalivestream main web site page for another exciting episode of the Tulsa Live Stream every Thursday starting at 8:30pm.
Interested in supporting your local music scene, feel free to click the tip jar at the bottom of the screen and donate to the Tulsa Live Stream. We split the donations from this video 50-50 while musicians are not live. But while they are performing live on the Tulsa Live Stream show we spit them 80-20.
Tulsa Live Music Stream Episode 104 Transcipt From Host Gabe
All right welcome back to the Tulsa Live stream. Thanks so much for joining us once again this evening. As you can see we have our first musical performing group here. This is the love donations headed by Christophe, I'"m sorry I said the wrong name. Make sure it's all about me, I meant to say Christophe and the Love Donations, next up we have miles music to be performing after and to close out the show were going to have another new musician called I hope first person who's DJ on the Tulsa live stream live set so we've been told really know how that works gaze but a that's what happens when you live everything as we fix that. Talk a little bit more. So if you're not watching until slightly.com. I encourage you to go there now. There you can find interaction button, such as parts and comes where you can immortalize your interact. I like hearts. Would you like sones on the Tulsa live stream. The recorded on the program so that happens during the performance, as well as the recorded version which we will produce and then share with you, probably by Monday if not Friday because you get to watch everything case you missed something like what's happening right now you are interested in donating or checking out musicians prefire you go to the musicians page on the Tulsa live stream. There you can find every musician that's performed as well as the sense that they performed on on the Tulsa live stream to just tap little icon and then you can see all the click on those performances listen to them all the timestamps are found in the description Sonny's videos. Just watching a single go to that episode look to the timestamp and jumped at musicians performance and make that all fantastical for you anyway Goodlett creased up in the love donations start the performance really appreciate you guys become out this evening. It was all right, oh that's disgusting actually all right. So thank you guys are coming out next be both you for the first time in the show. Very impressive performance there. I realize that sound is little bit different in the space that were and so thanks for doing with that level time anyway that's can take us turn next performance miles music circuit stage and get him out here. Thank you guys again for watching on the Tulsa live stream alrighty will thank you everyone for tuning into the Tulsa live stream once again. This evening I think that is actually going to conclude show our fourth person isn't here yet. So if he shows up the next 10 minutes will probably let them go anyway but since is not here right now going close us out if you want to stick around and wait see if he shows up you can. If not, check out the other hundred and three episodes that exist on the Tulsa live stream program you can listen to them on your phones just so you know and it'll play. It's very neat you can do that on a computer you can do that on a tablet tech you can even do that in your car. Listen to it while you're on the road. We have let's see over 300 hours worth of music. So if you have a really long car ride that for whatever reason is 300 hours long you have enough music to last year the whole car ride so anyway thank you guys again. We do this every week Thursday evening from 830 to roughly 10 to 10:30 PM. If you're interested in being on the show or want to watch the show all you have just contact me if you're interested in sponsoring show or any of the musicians that are here on the program. Feel free to contact the Tulsa video magazine or email Tulsa Tulsa live stream.com will see has next week for another show. This was our second year and arose worth of episodes is there hundred and forth episode. So excited to be bringing this to you every week and we hope to continue to do so for the far distant future. Thank all the musicians you have been on the program in the past think it everybody for making it out this evening we look forward to doing this every week it's the highlight of my week. I get to come listen the local musicians rock out to whatever kind of music they like playing so it's a big blessing for me. So see you all next week!