Tulsa Musicians, Wedding Performers And More - Ep. 81
Tulsa Musicians Creating Music History Weekly - T.L.S. Episode 81
Artist start times are listed below.
- Beautiful Chaos #96 - Start Time - 0:1:27
- In Flight Emergency #77 - Start Time - 1:12:38
As Always tune in on the tulsalivestream main web site page for another exciting episode of the Tulsa Live Stream every Thursday starting at 8:30pm.
Interested in supporting your local music scene, feel free to click the tip jar at the bottom of the screen and donate to the Tulsa Live Stream. We split the donations from this video 50-50 while musicians are not live. But while they are performing live on the Tulsa Live Stream show we spit them 80-20.
Tulsa Live Music Stream Episode 81 Transcipt From Host Gabe
Alrighty hello everyone and welcome back to the Tulsa live stream thank you guys so much for joining us once again this evening. We have two musical groups lined up for you this evening. As you can see behind me the first one is Artie set up and ready to go. This is beautiful chaos were very happy to have them here this evening and then after beautiful chaos performs we will have in-flight emergency to perform the second half of the show. So there's only to be to but they are larger musical group so we like to give them a little bit more time just because obviously the extensiveness of set up. We don't want to waste their time on the here 30 minutes isn't quite enough time, I feel like to have a five piece or even a three piece band so thank you guys for joining us this evening. Real quick before we get started, and they get into their performance, which were all very excited to hear her them during sound check. Very clean, crisp sound. I think it's the best sound we've had here on the Tulsa live stream so very happy to have them here. Don't forget to join us on Tulsa live stream.com I know were streaming over multiple platforms little selection dot-coms. The only place where you can really interact with the musicians while there performing. We have some parts and thumbs up buttons that are recorded on the stream Ceat click those during the performance and they are saved on that musicians performance and if you want to see any of the acts that are performed on the Tulsa live stream go to musicians page you can click on their icon and all the performances that they've done here would be listed as well as their contact information and any information that they have made available to you that is so selection.com yes and there is a little icon at the top left or if you're on a mobile phone us us at the top that says musicians list and you can click on that and that's what kind so anyway, without further do you think you guys again for joining us for joining me once again this evening. Really appreciate it was awesome because a fantastic we argue trochlear stage relatively quickly, so bear with us as we try and make all of this turn into the in-flight emergency so will be back as fast as we can geyser soon. I'm from in-flight emergency policyowner Instagram and Facebook accounts now bacteriostatic arrival. Thank you Jerry for joining us once again this evening. I did have a quick question for you. Do you practice with the metronome by any chance okay because you sound explicit wire out here keeping time just sounds like you got a drummer playing in your head because it's very very very talented way. We enjoy having you here anyway. Thank you all again for joining us this evening that's can conclude tonight's episode. This was episode number 81 yet so we've done this for anyone week straight were very excited to continue to bring you guys knew talented musicians as well as some that are slightly less talented that we had on in the past. Sorry, I just thought of a couple that we had that are interesting and interesting is the word I will go with because they were interesting, but thank you guys again will see guys next week at 8:30 PM for another live shows all of the shows are done live while occasionally. We will prerecord one or two of the acts because their time restraints that just can't make it on a Thursday evening, but most 99.99% of the time. We've got people here live for your entertainment so I were happy to continue doing that and where happy that we've been able to do that. Up until this point your decision-making donations to any of the musicians or to the Tulsa live stream you can do that with the donation button at the bottom of the stream. If you like to go to a specific musician. Maybe they're not performing. Maybe you're watching a recorded version of their performances. All you have to do is put their name or musician number in the comment section of those donations will make sure that those get pushed over to the right people at the right time so I think you got so much for watching with scenic sweet idea hello everyone and welcome back to the Tulsa live stream. Thanks for tuning in and staying here this evening last performance was awesome and now we have returning musician Derek Archuleta with his main anyway really appreciate Derek for joining us here once again this evening very excited to have him here is always a pleasure deftly our youngest musicians were very excited to have them here once again. Thank you Derek for joining us well-connected show.