Tulsa Musicians Creating Music History - Episode 79
Tulsa Musicians Creating Music History Weekly - T.L.S. Episode 79
Artist start times are listed below.
- Guitar Dave #18 - Start Time - 1:1:34
- SODOS #88 - Start Time - 0:1:45
- Big Yona #91 - Start Time - 0:36:58
As Always tune in on the tulsalivestream main web site page for another exciting episode of the Tulsa Live Stream every Thursday starting at 8:30pm.
Interested in supporting your local music scene, feel free to click the tip jar at the bottom of the screen and donate to the Tulsa Live Stream. We split the donations from this video 50-50 while musicians are not live. But while they are performing live on the Tulsa Live Stream show we spit them 80-20.
Tulsa Live Music Stream Episode 79 Transcipt From Host Gabe
Alrighty hello everyone and welcome back to the Tulsa live stream thank you guys are much for joining us once again this evening as you can see behind me. We have a new musical group that's going to be starting the show for us this week. We do apologize we had some set up that we had to take care of so running a little bit behind schedule but just so you know for the rest of the evening. We have the SOD OS AOS was a stand for exactly some of defeated opponent scores nice art so there you to be starting out the show for us this evening. Afterwards we going to get Matt Thompson healed performing second on the show and close out the show. One of the Tulsa live stream's most performed musicians guitar. Dave will be closing show as you guys know if you have been to the Tulsa live stream in the past you guys are welcome to click the hearts and the thumbs up button on the Tulsa live stream website and that will be performed or will be shown to the musicians there performing here they can see all of that. So let them know that you guys are out there watching you like a performances keep Quiznos hearts and thumbs button is all recorded and then put on the episode that that musician is performed on if you do have any questions about the musician you can visit their profile page simply by going to the musicians on the Tulsa live stream will also have all of their past performances on the Tulsa live stream show and you can show him some love either through donations or again that heart and thumbs button anyway really presage you guys are making it out here this evening and it was a long drive shaded and a good likeness this evening on the Tulsa live stream, we would have a show with without you guys so we really appreciate you for you Nijmegen was long drive again appreciate you guys. Awesome sound haven't had anybody like that on the show yet. So that was intriguing and I both tap their feet out here the audience is really good you guys gather at least a sound that that people can enjoy. So thank you guys so much for being here all right, everyone that is it for the first part of our show next up we have Matt Thompson will be performing for you guys. After we get him out here on the stage to give us five minutes to clean all this up and your sponsorship commercial break. We would build do this without them either as they're the only way that we get paid so we really appreciate everybody for tuning in and just watching the show participating. Given those hearts and thumbs during the musicians performances. Again, we don't have a show without viewers and we don't have a show that musician. So thank you guys and thank you guys will be back in five minutes of Matt Thompson all right. Thank you guitar Dave close not show this evening. Thank you Melissa for singing once again you guys originals are awesome. I really enjoy listening to those every time you guys come and as I've heard you has been practicing it deftly shows seriously alrighty well you know it deftly shows that is all I can say really enjoy guys I thank you guys so much for watching that is going to conclude Tonight Show of the Tulsa live stream. This was episode number 79. We would not be able to do this without all the musicians hard work and dedication and thank you in Tulsa video magazine for lending us their operators appreciate all of you. After watching this evening if you're interested in donating to any of these musicians feel free to click the donations button at the bottom of the stream. You can also contact me directly and I'll get a hold of whatever the musician that you would like to get a hold of, or you can simply go to positions page on the Tulsa live stream.com and you can find out information about any of the musicians that are performed on the shown the past on the musicians page anyway. Thank you guys again so much watching will see next week at 8:30 PM for another live music show here in Tulsa