Musicians In Tulsa Creating Music History - TLS Episode 70
Local, Live Music In Tulsa - T.L.S. Episode 70
As Always tune in on the tulsalivestream main web site page for another exciting episode of the Tulsa Live Stream every Thursday starting at 8:30pm.
Interested in supporting your local music scene, feel free to click the tip jar at the bottom of the screen and donate to the Tulsa Live Stream. We split the donations from this video 50-50 while musicians are not live. But while they are performing live on the Tulsa Live Stream show we spit them 80-20.
Artist start times are listed below.
- Doug #14 - Start Time - 0:38:14
- FrayTus #74 - Start Time - 1:9:43
- Electric Dirt #83 - Start Time - 0:4:55
- Bob #84 - Start Time - 1:44:8
Tulsa Live Music Stream Episode 70 Transcipt From Host Gabe
Alright, hello everyone and welcome back to the Tulsa, Live Stream. My name is Gabe and I get be the host of the show. Thank you guys for joining us this evening we had a wonderful lineup for you ready we have two new musicians are never performed on the Tulsa life before to new acts, not just to musicians, and then we have two returning musicians. We have first step for you electric dirt who is not performed here yet, followed by Doug who is performed here many times and he is up to like 16 performances or something. Then after that we have Freda's, who is also returning musician and then to close out the show. We have another new musician by the name of Bob LB Bob and his head around here to close the show out for us. Yeah, go all right. So again everybody if you're not on the Tulsalivestream website go there now, that's where you can interact. You can hit heart symptoms during the performances and all show up on the screen and the musicians that are out here performing will be able to see those and a interact with you, I would like to give a quick shout out to all of the people who have donated all of our sponsors. We would be able to do this without your guises assistance and we wouldn't be able to provide Tulsa and the musician community here in Tulsa. This opportunity without your help. So thank you very much for that. Also, if you haven't checked out the musicians list page. You can hire musician. You can find out more information about all the musicians are performed on the show and we would really appreciate it if you guys would go there now. I think were up to about 80-85, 86 musicians now in the Tulsa live stream very happy to brought all of those musicians for you to you over the past year and couple months that we've been here and argues continue to increase. With all the musicians and all the sharing that you guys have done with the page to continue to do that. That is the whole reason were doing this is to provide the tolls area with toll's music history. Music is history. People who write music write about the things that are happening around them. So therefore, music is history. We really do appreciate everybody for their assistance. So at this time I like to call the electric dirt can open up the show for you guys this evening. Welcome to the show that's good you can just unplug it away override then you guys again so much for tuning in this evening. We've been noticing all the hearts and the fountains we really appreciate everybody for calling those out and given those to the performance will performers. While there live out here so that you guys again, thank you to all the musicians who came out here this evening and performed we would have a show without their support without their help. So thank you to all the musicians this evening show. We started out with was the first person, new person, right yeah electric dirt there ago found it electric dirt set started out the evening forest, followed by Doug Doug's been a performer again on the Tulsa live tree in many times we counted him tonight was his 18th performance. So congratulations Doug. Also we had Freda's day preview recorded something for us this evening and we performed that third and then just to close out the show. We had Bob, Bob and his head around here plaintiff some good old tunes very very excited to continue to bring you guys some Tulsa music and heart and soul here on the Tulsa lives in Morgan continue doing this for as long as we can. One way that you guys can help support us is through donations, advertising and sponsorships. If you're interested in any of those things. You can contact me or if you just feel like giving us a donation. There is a button on the Tulsa live tree and website that you can click on and we have various forms of acceptance for those donations so one big thing that those donations go to is making improvements to the studio as I'm sure you've noticed there are spacing limitations is what I would like to call them that we have here and we would like to remove those and I one way that we can do that is by expanding the studio here. We would like to have a bigger area so we can hold bigger bands and if you're interested in getting some more bands in here. Feel free to send them my way. You cannot share this post. Share the website out and I'll let all your musician friends know that are here or even around the Tulsa area. I think we've reached out all the way to Fayetteville, Arkansas, Kansas and some other areas where people are very closely related to Tulsa and that you know they they moved out from Tulsa or Reno. Tulsa's their hometown or something like that. We've had them join us here in the Tulsa live show me love to extend that invite to anybody that you guys would like to have on the show we have a small interview process that we take most musicians through really is just hi how are you who are you and what kind of music you play really not much more than that, but we do like to get them in the studio for a brief just get to know you session with the crew here. The Tulsa live tree and so that we can get them scheduled on the next show and we'd love to have anybody that you guys know of that might be interested in being on the show we take the good the bad the ugly. So feel free to send them my way. Would love to have mom show so anyway back includes tonight's episode of the Tulsalivestream. This is our 70th episode. We've been doing this for 70 weeks straight yeah fantastic I love it and I were going continue doing as long as we possibly can and were very happy to bring you guys Tulsa music every week starts at 8:30 PM. We go until well until we close down for the evening. We try and have about four acts for you available each week and organ continue on doing that will see you guys next week for another Tulsa live stream episode. Thank you guys for watching.