Tulsa Music From Tulsa Musicians - TLS Episode 69
Local, Live Music In Tulsa - T.L.S. Episode 69
Artist start times are listed below.
- Mego Dego #2 - Start Time - 0:24:56
- Doug #14 - Start Time - 1:34:24
- Guitar Dave #18 - Start Time - 1:3:58
- Randy #81 - Start Time - 0:3:30
- Mark #82 - Start Time - 0:29:30
As Always tune in on the tulsalivestream main web site page for another exciting episode of the Tulsa Live Stream every Thursday starting at 8:30pm.
Interested in supporting your local music scene, feel free to click the tip jar at the bottom of the screen and donate to the Tulsa Live Stream. We split the donations from this video 50-50 while musicians are not live. But while they are performing live on the Tulsa Live Stream show we spit them 80-20.
Tulsa Live Music Stream Episode 69 Transcipt From Host Gabe
Thank you. All aright think you and I appreciate you for coming here before once again on the social life they did everybody watch this evening really had a great show those little bit behind schedule, waited upon through here the end and I'm making it sound fantastic as usual. So thank you all so much for watching. If you haven't checked other sponsorship page. That is the only way that we continue on going on here that socialized through sponsorships, donations and advertisements. So if you have a business or something that needs product advertised. We can help you out with that you can take a sponsorship and that also involves some advertising for business. If you're into that realm. Also, we do take donations and then mow cash at PayPal and crypto currencies investiture into just click the little green market bottom of the stream on the Tulsa lifestream website. You can don't donate to us. That way I viewed you feel like donating to one of the musicians. All you need to do is put their name and musician number in that donation link. Whether you're paying earlier donating through any of those means you should be able to leave a message. The only one. Well now you can definitely leave a message on the block chain. As far as critical currencies concern. So I just let us know who your wanting to that donation to go to and we split it with the musicians 50-50 while they're out here performing. So let us know if that's what you want to do in that realm again. Special thanks to our sponsors. Thank you to everybody for watching this evening that is going to conclude the nights episode of the Tulsa lifestream. This is episode number 68's are 68 week doing the Tulsa life chain were happy to continue providing also with the music from local musicians here and around the Tulsa area area and I were just so thankful that all the musicians are able to come together to create the show and I we would build do without them. So thank you guys so much watching will see next week at 830, or arrive. Sorry about that. Everybody, we are running a little bit behind schedule this evening. I'm sure as you've noticed, so we are just running through some sound checks trying to get everything functional for this and so that's what we been doing this whole time. So thank you guys again so much for joining us this evening. As you can see Lego deco here to my left and a new person's immediate hasn't performed yet on the Tulsa life Mr. Mark over here with the drums so are very happy to have both of them here this evening due to some scheduling issues. We don't have Mark's full band here as Omega deco has decided and as requested is going to be performing with Mark. Maybe some of mega's original music, and I will continue on the rest of the evening as we have scheduled again we are running behind schedule store were just about 30 minutes exactly behind so the evening will flow just as a normal show were just starting a little bit later Randy who get another is another musician who hasn't performed on the Tulsa life you will be performing right after these two gentlemen. After that, we have Charlie Jordan who was with us last week will be performing once again on the Tulsa life and then to close out the show. We have a returning musician of Doug Russell who will be playing a simple music as he normally does her lineup for the rest of the evening. Looking forward to it. I'm just going let them get started so late and will continue on from there. So thank you guys again for joining us this is Mego and Mark everyone.