Tulsa Music From Tulsa Musicians - TLS Episode 65
Local, Live Music In Tulsa - T.L.S. Episode 64
Artist start times are listed below.
- Mego Dego #2 - Start Time - 1:48:22
- Doug #14 - Start Time - 0:3:7
- Butler Music SchoolCayla #35 - Start Time - 0:31:46
- Derek Archuleta #52 - Start Time - 1:10:31
As Always tune in on the tulsalivestream main website page for another exciting episode of the Tulsa Live Stream every Thursday starting at 8:30pm.
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Tulsa Live Music Stream Episode 65 Transcipt From Host Gabe
The Tulsa live stream we would just like to start about wishing everybody a Merry Christmas. So I have one of our sponsors with Safe Home Consulting. Merry Christmas everybody hope you have had a least a decent year I've heard a lot of people saying that this Christmas is the worst ever not allowed to do this that or the other. I think a lot of people have forgotten. Christmas is about. This is about celebrating the birth of the Lord Jesus is not about how many prisons can you receive not about how many prisons can you give so those views are struggling with the Christmas if you're having this year, give it to God back to what it's about, and you may find that you can enjoy it even though you're not doing it the way you may be traditionally had. I hope everybody has a very Merry Christmas and I hope you have a good new New Year's will think it's because I really appreciate you coming for us. So today we have three musicians lined up for you would normally have. We did pre record all of this. That way everybody could spend New Year's Eve and I'm sorry Christmas Eve and Christmas together. That way you know we can just move along as planned and not have to be here at the studio in order to give you guys some quality Christmas music from my local talented musicians and so strumming with Kayla has been something we started about 6 to 8 weeks ago and she actually did her Christmas set during her normal strumming Miss Kayla happens Wednesdays at 1:00 PM so that'll be one of the sets that you have that we have here on the toast electric this evening. Next we have an artist mega Jago is been here with us from the very beginning of when we created the Tulsa life. He's can be performing all Christmas music set. We also have Derek Archuleta and although he is primarily a guitarist he's decided to do some instrumental versions of some Christmas music as well as some of the original cities created an instant covers well to fill in that slot that we would normally be having. And then our final person who will be performing for you guys this evening is Doug Russell and he did a full Christmas music set as well as some originals that he had just some songs that remind him of the Christmas time and so were very excited to bring you all of those musicians this evening and so and I'm very excited to be able to present you guys with some Christmas music and I will be looping all day during Christmas day, as well as from tonight at our normal time at 8:30 PM. I first got to have Doug Russell performing and then will continue on with the rest that this evening as I previously stated and I were so excited for you guys Christmas music. So first up and have Doug Russell and will continue on with the rest musicians for the rest the night, so Merry Christmas to everybody. And yet, first up is Doug Russell. All right, we really appreciate Doug Russell for that performance. Again, all of his folk music is just so happy. Even some of the sad songs that he performs this just makes you uplifting whenever you listen to and I were excited to have Doug Russell as part of the Tulsa life for next up for you to do strumming with Miss Kayla. She is going to be performing her Christmas set as she normally does. On Wednesdays and Ashley strumming with Kayla Again were very happy to have her and her ukulele. She does very very well with that. Although primarily she is a piano player. I do know this to very recently but she does like to fiddle with fiddle around with the ukulele and so you up next to strumming with Miss Kayla. All right. Thank you Miss Kayla. We really appreciate you for being here in the Tulsa life for human performing with your ukulele during the Wednesday normal set for just it's very pleasant to hear the ukulele. It's not a sharp or really an intense sound. It's made for. Just like that background flowing noise as well as to complement the vocals and so Miss Kayla does that very well. She gives it a lot of justice. During her performance. Next up we have Derek Archuleta primarily a guitarist and he is going to guide and perform some covers of Christmas instrumental music as well as some originals that he and his band of created he's got some back contracts that follow those during his performance. Next up is Derek Archuleta all right thank you Derek Archuleta. We really appreciate you for coming out here performing for us, we wouldn't have the show without musicians constantly providing us with original content and just cannot hear pouring out their heart and soul into their music. These Tulsa musicians are just a very very good opportunity for the Tulsa life just for entertainment as a whole. Right now, as some venues aren't able to be open at the moment I wear very happy to provide Tulsa with this kind of music for your entertainment. Lastly, and to perform last year on the Tulsa life, a Ms. Artis number two, number one in our hearts number two on the show is kind of funny that's another story that will get into but this Tulsa musician mega Jago has been with us since we started the idea of the Tulsa life and is really the main reason why started the Tulsa life for these Tulsa musicians. It's it's just something that he showed us what it means to be a musician and what it means to be a musician in Tulsa and so through that we decided that that these musicians needed a way to generate content without having to pay for these extremely expensive studios and just get themselves in front of people. That way they can grow their performances grow their their music and I just just have a way to reach out to people that they would normally have. And so we decided provide that for the Tulsa musicians so one of the things that I really wanted to bring forward, not everybody's attention about the Tulsa life before mega dagger performs this evening is that, what we are trying to do as a studio as a venue for musicians to perform on the Tulsa life with Tulsa life so mega Deco is been with us and really is kind of the reason why Tulsa life was started and so I really like to use. I his performance tonight and just before so as kind of a transitional thing into how things got started here as well as what were trying to accomplish for musicians here and told, and so again, Maggio helped us get started. He was the first musician to ever perform on the Tulsa life and we got to see him grow from the musician that he was at just performing at a restaurant where we found him and into the musician that he is today and all the performances that he's done for us here and on the benefits of his performances that he's received from being on the Tulsa life and so today I believe Maggio has performed over 70 times yes zero times on the Tulsa life and so throughout all of those performances we've been able to see him develop himself as a musician here in Tulsa and when he first came here. He was kind of a skeptic from the standpoint of watching himself and really the narcissistic side of musicians comes out when they have the ability to go back and see themselves through their performances and I don't mean that in a negative way. Most of the time when you hear narcissism or narcissistic you think it's a negative thing, but whenever you're in the service industry whenever you're performing for people you have to have that to some degree. In order for you to improve yourself. And so what Tulsa life has to offer Tulsa musicians. Here is the ability to have a studio type sound and video recording and then take that recording and then improve themselves through those recordings. Most of the time they would have to pay a very large sum of money to rent a studio and then develop themselves. That video content and that audio quality sound and they don't really get that from their live performances. Once a musician is that for instance like a restaurant or bar. They don't have the opportunity to set up a full recording studio. While there performing live. They may get clips from fans or a friend who's decided to come and watch that musician. They don't get that in studio sound really that they would have to work through in a studio setting and again most of the time studios require some kind of monetary compensation for musicians take that time and try and develop themselves as musicians. So Tulsa life is offering an opportunity for musicians to develop themselves and not requiring them to pay for anything we feel as though musicians just need a little bit of help getting from hey I want to play music to hey I can play music very well have these things that I can show you as a profile and I'm a developed musician. At this point, and I'm allowed to. Or, I should be charging you either just showing up to your venue and so that's what the Tulsa life has to offer. Tulsa musicians is that ability to build yourself a profile get studio time recording and audio recording both video and audio and then have the ability to show a producer, even for just a venue owner. Your profile without having to build all of that on your own, as is the host I get to see many many musicians come through at the studio and all the performances that they've done all I can say is, every time I see a musician, back meaning they've already performed. Once that second performance is better than the first, and that third one is better than the second. And so every time they come back to developing themselves and their creating this persona, of who visit the musician wants to be and wants to be presented as and I would be possible without the Tulsa life and so I'm I'm just so grateful that I have the opportunity to share this environment. This video production environment with musicians they can utilize that to develop themselves as as novice or na�ve musicians if you will, into the professional and well attuned musicians and so yeah. Again, I would really like to think mega Deco for all of the work that he's put in with us and just and he's really opened up his life to us so that we can understand what it means musician and how to help them grow from being a nonprofessional to prep professional musician and again we would be able to do this without his help, so we would really like to think mega Deco for this performance and all the performances that he's had!