Tulsa Music From Tulsa Musicians - TLS Episode 64
Local, Live Music In Tulsa - T.L.S. Episode 64
Artist start times are listed below.
- Krash Love #6 - Start Time - 0:56:20
- Guitar Dave #18 - Start Time - 0:31:53
- Miles Music #34 - Start Time - 0:2:25
- Jade Ann #78 - Start Time - 1:24:24
- Muzika #79 - Start Time - 1:24:24
As Always tune in on the tulsalivestream main website page for another exciting episode of the Tulsa Live Stream every Thursday starting at 8:30pm.
Interested in supporting your local music scene, feel free to click the tip jar at the bottom of the screen and donate to the Tulsa Live Stream. We split the donations from this video 50-50 while musicians are not live. But while they are performing live on the Tulsa Live Stream show we spit them 80-20.
Tulsa Live Stream Episode 64 Transcript - Intro
What's that sound must be SantyClaus yes, Merry Christmas everybody and welcome back to the Tulsa Live Stream .Thank you guys again so much for joining us this evening. As you can tell we have miles music. He makes a really long drive all the way from faraway land just like Santa Claus does every Christmas day so were very happy to have him here and performing some Christmas tunes right this evening. Alright we are super excited for that. As you saw before miles we had Marcus Curtis out here and we're trying to put together some just Christmas tunes from local musicians here in Tulsa from now until January 1st. The Tulsa Live Stream is going to be just playing those Christmas carols like what miles is going to do here at this evening as well as we have Cayla Butler from Butler music school and again Marcus Curtis and Joseph Glaude has also gotten some Christmas tunes ready for you and So we will continue playing those all the way up until January 1, unless you guys wanted to go farther than that. So all you have to do is text into the number you see below and if you want to go past January 1. I don't really see why you want us it's just the it goes were here to please you. But here we go next after Miles is finished performing were going to have another returning musician guitar Dave the awarder of the guitar you see there in the background or we saw a little bit earlier as the camera shot was further out, and yet so that is another award that Tulsa Live Stream has been given. The only other thing that we received as far as equipment wise also. Kayla Butler gave us a music stand just recently. Actually, Marcus Curtis gifted us his little stool if you will, but it's to hold our mixing boards that were very very happy with what that is like Christmas all over again right and so yeah just super excited. The way things are moving forward and it's also lasting and very happy to announce miles music back here on the show!